Productive Pastures Oct 2013 V1 | Page 2

Soil fertility A balanced soil is needed to grow productive pastures. The best way to ensure paddocks are fertile and pastures are free from macronutrient deficiencies is to soil test. Soil testing gives graziers and their advisers a better understanding of the nutrient levels in their soils. With this knowledge, they can develop a cost effective fertiliser program that can help meet their production goals. Soil testing is also used to monitor and assess the suitability of management practices over time and to help diagnose production limiting problems. Records kept over a number of years are valuable for ongoing management. CONTENTS 2 3 Soil testing makes the difference 4 Results from fertilisers 5 Building and maintaining soil fertility 6 Topdressing your pastures for autumn 7 Establishing improved pastures 8 Topdressing your pastures with nitrogen 9 Making the most of spring 10 2 Soil fertility Micronutrients and your pastures 11 Soil pH and nutrient availability