Product Technical Guides : US-EN Firestop Systems Guide For Specifiers | Page 79

Firestop Selection Chart Base material Fire rating (F rating) Penetrating item Hilti product used System number Maximum annular space See page > Insulated Metal Pipe (continued) 412 C Max. 4" steel, cast iron or copper with 3/4" or 1" AB/PVC pipe insulation or with 1", 1-1/2" or 2" glass fiber 3 hr CFS-DID Drop-in Device F-B-5004 * 414 C Max. 2" steel or copper with 3/4" or 1" AB/PVC pipe or 1" or 1-1/2" glass fiber insulation 3 hr CFS-DID Drop-in Device F-B-5005 * 416 C Max. 2" steel, copper with 3/4" AB/ PVC insulation (Concrete Floor/Ceiling Assembly) 1 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant F-E-5004 1" 418 C Max. 2" steel or copper with 1-1/2" glass- fiber pipe insulation 1 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant F-E-5013 1" 419 C Max. 4" steel, EMT, or steel conduit, max. 2" Copper with 3/4" AB/PVC insulation 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant W-J-5041 1-1/2" 420 C Max. 12" steel, max. 6" copper, max. 4" steel conduit, EMT with maximum 2" glass-fiber insulation 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant W-J-5042 1-1/2" 421 C Max. 1” copper with max. 3/4” thick AB/ PVC insulation 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant W-J-5066 1-1/8" 422 C Max. 12" steel or 6" copper with max. 2" glass fiber (optional sleeve) 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant W-J-5140 1-7/8" 423 C Max. 4" PVC or CPVC with 1-1/2" glass fiber or 1" AB/PVC CP 648-E Firestop Wrap Strip W-J-5145 1" 424 G Max. 4" steel, steel conduit, EMT, or max. 2" copper with 3/4" AB/PVC insulation 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant W-L-5028 1-1/2" 425 Max. 12" steel, max. 6" copper, max. 4" steel conduit or EMT with 1", 1-1/2" or 2" glass fiber insulation or max. 2" calcium silicate insulation 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant W-L-5029 1-7/8" 426 G G Max. 20" steel, max. 6" copper, conduit or max. 4" EMT pipe with max. 3" glass-fiber insulation (Steel sleeve optional) 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant W-L-5047 3" 427 G Max. 10" steel, max. 4" copper pipe with max. 2" glass fiber insulation 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant W-L-5096 * 428 G Max. 1" copper with 3/4" AB/PVC insulation (Shaft Wall) 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant W-L-5143 1-1/8" 429 G Max 12" steel or max. 6" copper with nominal 1-1/2" or 3" Foamglass insulation 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant W-L-5223 1-1/4" 430 G Nom. 4" PVC or CPVC with nominal 1-1/2" glass fiber insulation 1 or 2 hr CP 648-E Firestop Wrap Strip with retaining collar W-L-5225 1" 431 G Max. 8” steel, cast iron, 4” copper with 1” or 1-1/2” Glass fiber pipe insulation 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant, W-L-5240 1-1/8" 432 G Max. 4" steel, cast iron, ductile iron pipe or copper pipe or tubing with 1-1/2" glass- fiber pipe insulation 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant, CP 606 Flexible Firestop Sealant or CFS-S SIL GG Firestop Silicone Sealant Gun Grade W-L-5257 7/8" 433 G Max. 2" steel, cast iron, or copper with 1" to 1-1/2" glass-fiber or calcium silicate PVC insulation (may be installed at angle) 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant W-L-5274 7/8Ó 434 W Max 2" steel, copper, steel conduit or EMT with nom. 1/2" glass fiber or nom. 3/4" AB/ PVC insulation (Chase Wall Required) 1 or 2 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant F-C-5004 * 436 W Max. 4" steel, cast iron, or copper with 3/4" AB/PVC insulation (chase wall optional) 1 hr CP 606 Flexible Firestop Sealant F-C-5065 7/8" 437 W Max. 2" CPVC (closed) with 1" glass fiber insulaiton 1 hr FS-ONE MAX Intumescent Firestop Sealant F-C-5086 1" 438 * Refer to UL System. C Concrete or concrete block G Gypsum W Wood 2 hr * F-A-5046 CFS-DID Drop-in Device 2 or 3 hr Max. 4" steel, cast iron or copper with 3/4" or 1" AB/PVC pipe insulation or with 1", 1-1/2" or 2" glass fiber C Hilti Firestop Saving lives through innovation and education 77