Product Technical Guides : US-EN Firestop Systems Guide For Specifiers | Page 60
Description Color Volume Qty Item No.
Firestop Cable Collar CFS-CC 4”
Includes (2) Cable Collars - - 2 2065421
Cable Collar CFS-CC - - 56 3507361
Core bit
size Pipe size Qty Item No.
4" up to 2" * 1 2008097
5" 3" 1 2008098
6" 4" 1 2008099
9" 6" 1 2008250
4" up to 2" * 1 2008251
5" 3" 1 2008252
6" 4" 1 2008253
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 6" MD 9" 6" 1 2015574
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 2" HC8 4" up to 2" * 1 2008254
5" 3" 1 2008255
6" 4" 1 2008256
4" up to 2" * 1 2008257
5" 3" 1 2008258
6" 4" 1 2008259
4" up to 2" * 5" 3" 1 2008261
6" 4" 1 2008262
- - 6 2008266
For use with
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 2" C
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 3" C
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 4" C
6" to 12" thick
concrete / metal
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 6" C
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 2" MD
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 3" MD
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 4" MD
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 3" HC8
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 4" HC8
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 2" HC10
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 3" HC10
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 4" HC10
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 2" HC12
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 3" HC12
CFS-DID Drop-In Device 4" HC12
2-1/2" to 8" thick
concrete / metal
7-1/2" to 8-1/2"
thick hollow core
9-1/2" to 10-1/2"
thick hollow core
11-1/2" to 12-1/2"
thick hollow core
All Drop-In Device
sizes 2" Lid CFS-DID 2" - - - 16 2081376
Lid CFS-DID 3" - - - 17 2081377
Lid CFS-DID 4" - - - 9 2081378
Lid CFS-DID 6" - - - 17 2081379
Description Color Volume Qty Item No.
CP 680-P 2" Cast-In Device
for Combustible Penetrations Red - 1 244244
CP 680-P 3" Cast-In Device
for Combustible Penetrations Red - 1 244245
CP 680-P 4" Cast-In Device
for Combustible Penetrations Red - 1 244246
CP 680-P 6" Cast-In Device
for Combustible Penetrations Red - 1 244247
CP 680-M 2" Cast-In Device
for Metallic Penetrations Black - 1 244248
CP 680-M 3" Cast-In Device
for Metallic Penetrations Black - 1 244249
CP 680-M 4" Cast-In Device
for Metallic Penetrations Black - 1 244250
CP 680-M 6" Cast-In Device
for Metallic Penetrations Black - 1 244251
CFS-DID from above (with cap)
CFS-DID Adapter 2"
• Adapter to hold top seal plug in place
• Adds 1” to the overall height
Hilti Firestop
Saving lives
through innovation
and education
CFS-DID from above (no cap)
CFS-DID from below