Product Technical Guides : US-EN Direct Fastening - Volume 1 Edition 22 | Page 6

1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 10
2.0 DIRECT FASTENING TECHNOLOGY ................................................ 11 2.1 Base Materials ................................................................... 11 2.2 Evaluation of Test Data ............................................................ 14 2.3 Corrosion ....................................................................... 15 2.4 Seismic Considerations ............................................................ 15
3.0 DIRECT FASTENING SYSTEMS ..................................................... 17
3.1 Direct Fastening Terminology and Applications ......................................... 17 3.1.1 Direct Fastening Terminology ................................................... 17 3.1.2 Benefits of Direct Fastening Systems ............................................. 18 3.1.3 Common Direct Fastening Applications ........................................... 18
3.2 General Construction Fastener Design and Selection .................................... 19 3.2.1 Fastening to Concrete ......................................................... 19 3.2.2 Fastening to Steel ............................................................ 23 3.2.3 Powder-Actuated Cartridge Selection Guide ....................................... 26 3.2.4 Power-Actuated Fastener and Tool Selection Guide ................................. 26
3.2.5 General Application Fasteners .................................................. 30 X-U , X-P . X-C , DS , X-CR , X-R , and X-S fastener series for general applications to concrete , steel or masonry
3.2.6 X-U Universal Knurled Shank Fastener and X-P Premium Concrete Fasteners ............. 36 Universal X-U fastener for use in concrete , steel or masonry ; X-P for use in concrete Perimeter Wall Application Fasteners ..................................... 41 X-P , X-U , X-U 15 , DS and EDS fasteners for attachment of perimeter track and deflection slip clips to concrete or steel
3.2.7 X-R Stainless steel Fasteners ................................................... 46 Fastener for attachments to steel in corrosive environments
3.2.8 X-PN 37 G3 MX Structural Wood Panel Fastening System ............................ 49 X-PN 37 G3 MX fastener for attachment of structural wood panels to cold-formed steel members
3.2.9 Drywall Track Fastening Systems ................................................ 56 X-U 15 , X-S13 , X-C ( G2 , G3 , B3 , B4 ) and X-P ( G2 , G3 , B3 , B4 ) fastener series for attachment of drywall track to concrete , steel or masonry
3.2.10 Sill Plate Fastening Systems .................................................... 63 X-CF 72 and X-CP 72 fasteners for attachment of wood sill plates to concrete
3.2.11 Stud Fasteners for Attachment to Concrete ........................................ 65 Carbon steel ( 1 / 4 " and 3 / 8 ") powder-actuated threaded studs for attachment to concrete