Product Technical Guides : US-EN Cast-In Anchor Channel Fastening Technical Guide | Page 396

1. Anchor Channel Systems Code 2. HAC Portfolio 3. HAC Applications 4. Design Introduction Discussion 5. Base material 6. Loading Calculations Step 5: Steel strength local flexure channel lip and flexure of channel ESR-3520 section Point of load application — channel lip Channel lip in tension and shear and Flexure of channel in tension. The interaction check for steel failure of the channel requires the ratio (factored load acting on the channel lip or Flexure of channel design strength) to be checked using Equation (45) and Equation (46) in ESR-3520. V bua,x =0lbs Point of load application - channel lip β 2N,sl = 0.02070 β 2V,sl,y = 0.08801 β 2N,sl + β 2V,sl,y =0.11 b æ N ua ö æ V ç ÷ + ç ç è f N sl ø è f V sl , y b ua , y a ö æ V ua b , x ÷ ÷ + ç ç ø è f V sl , x 2 ö ÷ ÷ £ 1.0 ø Point of load application — flexural moment and channel lip æ M u , flex ç ç è f M s , flex a ö æ V ua b , y ÷ ÷ + ç ç ø è f V sl , y a ö æ V ua b , x ÷ ÷ + ç ç ø è f V sl , x 8. Reinforcing Bar Anchorage Code ESR-3520 section 10. Design Software 11. Best Practices 12. Instructions for Use Discussion 13. Field Fixes 14. Design Example Calculations Channel bolt strength in tension: N bua = 850 lbs Ф N ss ≥ N bua ФN ss 18353 lbs nominal strength corresponding to the T-bolt → N ss N bua β N,ss : ____ x 100 = 5 % ФN ss Utilization: 11% Nominal tension steel strengths for T-bolts are given in ESR-3520 Table 8-7. Point of load application — flexural moment and channel lip N ss for an M16 diameter HBC-C 8.8 F T-bolt = 28,235 lb Ф=0.65 β N,s,flex = 0.00654 β′ V,sl,y = 0.21858 β N,s,flex + β′ V,sl,y = 0.23 Utilization: 23% ESR-3520 section, 2 ö ÷ ÷ £ 1.0 ø α = 2 for anchor channels with V sl,y ≤ N s,l α = 1 for anchor channels with V sl,y > N s,l It shall be permitted to assume reduced values for V sl,y corresponding to the use of an exponent α = 2. In this case the reduced value for V sl,y shall also be used in Section 9. Special Anchor Channel Design Step 6: Channel bolt strength Combined tension and shear loads — flexure moment and channel lip (Interaction ) a 7. Anchor Channel Design Code Channel bolt strength – without lever arm, longitudinal shear included in shear: V bua,x = 1750 lbs Ф V ss ≥ V V bua,y = 0 lbs b ua V bua = V bua,x 2 + V bua,y 2 V bua = 1750 lbs nominal strength corresponding to the T-bolt → Vss V bua β v,ss : _____ x 100 = 18 % Ф V ss Ф V ss = 10164 lbs Nominal tension steel strengths for T-bolts are given in ESR-3520 Table 8-7. Vss for an M16 diameter HBC-C 8.8 F T-bolt = 16940 lb Ф=0.60 ESR-3520 section Combined tension and shear loads — Channel bolt (Interaction ) β 2N,ss = 0.00214 β 2v,ss = 0.02964 β 2N,ss + β 2v,ss = 0.03178 Utilization : 4% 396 Cast-In Anchor Channel Product Guide, Edition 1 • 02/2019 397