Product Technical Guides : US-EN Cast-In Anchor Channel Fastening Technical Guide | Page 262

1. Anchor Channel Systems 2. HAC Portfolio 3. HAC Applications 4. Design Introduction 5. Base material 6. Loading 7. Anchor Channel Design Code 8. Reinforcing Bar Anchorage 9. Special Anchor Channel Design 10. Design Software 11. Best Practices 12. Instructions for Use 13. Field Fixes 14. Design Example BOS and TOS channels: BOS under from TOS TOS and BOS: In the case shown in figure the two anchor channels are drifted apart so much so that the failure planes in tension do not intersect. The idealized failure plane is represented by brown line while the red line represents the path of least resistance. For the concrete failure modes in tension, the stresses in the concrete induced by the two anchors of the anchor channels closer to each other change the concrete behavior. The concrete crack does not follow the idealized failure plane (C cr,N ) but the path of least resistance. This concept is illustrated in Figure and Figure TOS and BOS: This section describes the conditions where two anchor channels are placed one on top of the other, facilitating the connection above and below the slab. For analyzing these condition it is recommended to assign half of the concrete height to the TOS channel and half to the BOS channel. The location of the imaginary line can be optimized. More concrete in height can be assigned to the channel subjected to more shear force. Figure — Parallel Channels Top and Bottom-BOS away from TOS: Tension — TOS and BOS Plan View. The front edge concrete for the BOS anchor channel is as taken as 0.5x in the analysis. The ToS channel is modeled as having a back edge of 0.5x. The distance x is defined as the shortest straight line connecting one anchor stud to another as shown in the Figure and Figure In Figure the failure planes are drawn in tension and in Figure failure planes are drawn for perpendicular shear. An imaginary line is drawn at the intersection of these failure planes limiting the height of the slab to h/2 for each anchor channel analysis. Please note that the location of the imaginary line in between channel a and b can be optimized in accordance to the amount of tension experienced by each channel as needed. Longitudinal shear TOS and BOS anchor channels Figure — Longitudinal Shear — Plan view-Top anchor channel. Figure — Top and Bottom Channel: TOS under BOS -Perpendicular Shear — Section View. Figure — Top and Bottom Channel: TOS under BOS -Tension — Section View. Figure add the figure name. Figure — Parallel Channels Top and Bottom-BOS away from TOS: Tension- TOS and BOS Section View. 262 The longitudinal shear force V uax,a and V uax,b is applied at the center line of the anchor channel, as shown in Figure and Figure Having infinite sides edges on both sides will create breakout planes perpendicular to the edge as seen in the Figure and Figure For analyzing anchor channel "a" the front edge of c a1,a is considered subjecting it to shear force of V ua,xa . For analyzing anchor channel "b" the edge of c a1,b is used against the total shear force (V T = V uax,a +V uax,b ) following the ACI 318-14 provision as shown in Figure Tension Cast-In Anchor Channel Product Guide, Edition 1 • 02/2019 263