Product Technical Guides : US-EN Cast-In Anchor Channel Fastening Technical Guide | 页面 68

1. Anchor Channel Systems 2. HAC Portfolio 3. HAC Applications 4. Design Introduction 5. Base material 6. Loading Hexagonal head nut 9. Special Anchor Channel Design 10. Design Software 11. Best Practices 12. Instructions for Use 13. Field Fixes 14. Design Example Flat washers Flat washers ensure compression forces (due to installation torque) from the nut are distributed over a larger surface, preventing localized damage of the base surface. Moreover, it ensures the nut presses against a smooth surface, reducing the probability of relaxation of the nut, as is the case when the nut bears against uneven surfaces. Anchor channel systems consist of a group of anchors, channel profile, and matching t-bolt. The t-bolt hardware consists of a hex head nut and a flat washer. 8. Reinforcing Bar Anchorage 2.2.12 HILTI CHANNEL BOLTS HARDWARE 7. Anchor Channel Design Code Table — Material specification of HBC-C and HBC-C-N washers Carbon steel, Hardness A, 200 HV ASTM A 563 Grade A; Stainless Steel 316 Specifications ISO 7089 and ISO 7093-1 Dimensions ASME/ANSI B18.2.2 - 1986 Finish ASTM B 633-98, SC 1 Type I Finish ASTM B 633-98, SC 1 Type I Thread Class 2A fit; Class 2B thrd; ASME B1.1 Figure — HBC-C and HBC-C-N washer dimensions. Material Material Material specifications Material specifications Figure — Isometric view of HBC-C and HBC-C-N nut. Table — HBC-C and HBC-C-N nut dimensions 2.00 2.50 c max. mm 0.60 0.80 0.80 min. mm 0.15 0.20 0.20 max. mm 13.00 17.30 21.60 min. mm 12.00 16.00 20.00 d w min. mm 16.60 22.50 27.70 e min. mm 20.03 26.75 32.95 max. mm 10.80 14.80 18.00 min. mm 10.37 14.10 16.90 min. mm 8.30 11.30 13.50 max. mm 18.00 24.00 30.00 min. mm 17.73 23.67 29.16 d a m m w s 1.75 mm p a (pitch size) M20 M16 M12 units Criteria Table — Material specifications of HBC-C and HBC-C-N Nuts Different surfaces and materials might have a significant influence on the ratio between torque moment and pre-tension. Therefore, it is important to use the washer as per product approval or recommended by Hilti. Figure — HBC-C and HBC-C-N nut dimensions. Cast-In Anchor Channel Product Guide, Edition 1 • 02/2019 69 68