Product Technical Guides : US-EN Cast-In Anchor Channel Fastening Technical Guide | Page 46

1. Anchor Channel Systems 2. HAC Portfolio 3. HAC Applications 4. Design Introduction 5. Base material 6. Loading l y Channel profile opening d f Channel lip thickness (bottom) t nom,b Min. effective embedment depth 1 h ef,min Thickness of the anchor head Minimum end spacing d 1 l A 1.57 (40.0) in 1.61 1.65 1.71 1.79 (mm) (40.9) (41.9) (43.4) (45.4) in 4 0.0516 0.0796 0.1392 0.2293 (mm 4 ) (21,463) (33,125) (57,930) (95,457) in 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 (mm) (19.50) (19.50) (19.50) (19.50) in 0.18 0.21 0.25 0.30 (mm) (4.50) (5.30) (6.30) (7.40) in 0.09 0.11 0.14 0.18 (mm) (2.25) (2.75) (3.50) (4.50) in 0.09 0.11 0.14 0.18 (mm) (2.25) (2.75) (3.50) (4.50) in 3.58 4.17 5.83 6.89 (mm) (91.00) (106.00) (148.00) (175.00) in 0.12 0.14 0.18 0.20 (mm) (3.00) (3.50) (4.50) (5.00) in 3.70 4.31 6.00 7.09 (mm) (94.00) (109.50) (152.50) (180) in 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 (mm) (25) (25) (25) (25) in 0.28 0.36 0.36 0.43 (mm) (7.19) (9.03) (9.03) (10.86) in 0.69 0.77 0.77 0.91 (mm) (17.50) (19.50) (19.50) (23.00) in 2.62 3.09 4.61 5.51 (mm) (66.50) (78.50) (117.00) (140.00) 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 (100) (100) (100) (100) Net bearing area of the anchor head A brg Matching channel bolt x nail HBC-C, HBC-C 50R, HBC-C-N Minimum channel bolt spacing s chb 3 x bolt diameter Nail hole location 4 in 9.84 9.84 9.84 9.84 (mm) (250) (250) (250) (250) in 2 0.324 0.400 0.400 0.552 (mm 2 ) (209) (258) (258) (356) in (mm) HAC-60 HAC-70 c a2 *h min in 1.97 1.97 4.13 (mm) (50) (50) (105) in 1.97 1.97 4.92 (mm) (50) (50) (125) in 2.95 2.95 6.61 (mm) (75) (75) (168) in 2.95 2.95 7.72 (mm) (75) (75) (196) Table — M inimum substrate dimensions for HAC in all lightweight concrete Anchor channel HAC-40 HAC-50 HAC-60 HAC-70 Figure a — HAC dimensions. Units c a1 c a2 *h min in 2.95 2.95 4.13 (mm) (75) (75) (105) in 2.95 2.95 4.92 (mm) (75) (75) (125) in 2.95 2.95 6.61 (mm) (75) (75) (168) in 2.95 2.95 7.72 (mm) (75) (75) (196) Corner distance facts: • Any edge which the distance parallel to the long axis of the anchor channels is considered a corner • For determination of the minimum corner distance, c a2 = min of c a2,1 and c a2,2 • Corner distances are always measured from the center of the anchor under consideration * M  inimum slab thickness, h min may be reduced if anchor cover requirements can be omitted (i.e. interior applications with metal deck underneath the channel). To avoid splitting of the concrete, the minimum edge and corner distance shall be increased by a factor of 2. s max HAC-50 c a1 Maximum anchor spacing HAC-40 Units • Any edge which the distance perpendicular to the long axis of the anchor channels is considered an edge. • For determination of the minimum edge distance of • concrete breakout strength in tension, c a1 = min of c a1,1 and c a1,2 • For analysis purposes of concrete edge breakout strength in shear, c a1 is always measured in the direction of the applied shear load. • Edge distances are always measured from the center of the anchor under consideration. s min Anchor channel Edge distance facts: in (mm) Minimum anchor spacing Table — M  inimum substrate dimensions for HAC in normal weight and sand-lightweight concrete Figure – Minimum HAC member thickness, isometric view. 1” offset from anchor (25.4 offset from anchor) 1 Longer anchors can be offered upon request; longer lead time is expected. 2 Manufacture tolerance of up to +3 mm (0.118 in.). 3 T he head diameter is the inner diameter of the hexagonal shaped head, and does not fully reflect the cross sectional area of the anchor head. 4 Nail hole diameter is 4 mm (0.16 in.) Figure b — HAC end and nail hole distance. c a1 = min of c a1,1 and c a1,2 c a2 = min of c a2,1 and c a2,2 Figure — Minimum HAC edge and corner distances, plan view. Cast-In Anchor Channel Product Guide, Edition 1 • 02/2019 47 Corner and edge distances are measured to the center of the anchor 46 Anchor length d 2 1.40 (35.5) Head diameter 3 x min 1.22 (31.0) Anchor shaft diameter h nom 1.10 (28.0) Nominal embedment depth 2 t h in (mm) t nom,t HAC-70 Channel lip thickness (top) HAC-60 Channel lip flange thickness HAC-50 Channel profile moment of inertia 14. Design Example b ch 13. Field Fixes Channel profile width 12. Instructions for Use h ch 11. Best Practices Channel profile height 10. Design Software Anchor Channel Units HAC-40 9. Special Anchor Channel Design The minimum edge distance and member thickness for anchor channels are established via testing. It is the interaction between minimum member thickness and minimum edge distance that determines the minimum edge distance. If the anchor channel is installed closer than the minimum edge distance, cracking of the concrete may occur while applying the required installation torque to the t-bolts. Testing to determine the minimum edge distance considers unfavorable site conditions. The test is based on having the anchor channel recessed 1/8" in unreinforced concrete. Splitting/cracking may occur. Therefore, minimum substrate requirements vary depending on the anchor channel size. HAC substrate requirements are provided in Table and Table – Geometric parameters for HAC Symbol 8. Reinforcing Bar Anchorage Minimum substrate requirements Table provides geometric parameters for HAC. This information is based on ICC ESR-3520 Table 8.1. Criteria 7. Anchor Channel Design Code