Product Technical Guides : US-EN Cast-In Anchor Channel Fastening Technical Guide | Page 304

1. Anchor Channel Systems 2. HAC Portfolio 3. HAC Applications Channel Lip strength: ФV s,l,x ФV s,l,x > V aua,x This check is in accordance to ESR- 3520 Sec., 5. Base material 6. Loading Concrete pryout strength for shear parallel: ФV cp,x ФV cp,x > V aua,x Please refer to anchor channel theory for more information on this failure mode. The design methodology is same as of headed stud anchor channel. This check is compliant with ESR 3520 section Refer Anchor channel theory Section 7.4.4 This check is in accordance to ESR- 3520 Sec., æ N s ua ö 2 æ 2 b Ns æ N s ua ö ÷ ÷ £ 1 . 0 = ç ç è f . N ss ø æ b V , s = ç ç è Please refer to anchor channel theory for more information on this failure mode. The design methodology is same as of headed stud anchor channel. This check is compliant with ESR 3520 section Refer Anchor channel theory Section 7.4.4. [ V [ V s + V s ua , x 2 f . Vss ua , y 2 ФV sc,x > V aua 14. Design Example ] ö ÷ £ 1 . 0 ÷ ø t ension loading per channel bolt s + V s ua , x 2 f . Vss ua , y 2 ] ö ÷ £ 1 . 0 ÷ ø highest highest utlization utilizatio n under under shear loading per channel bolt Steel failure modes of rebar channels under combined loads (ESR-3520) a) For connection between anchor and channel a a a æ V a ua , x V a ua , x ö ö ÷ æ V a ua , y V a ua , y ö a æ ç æ N a ua N a ua ö 2 a ç ÷ ÷ ÷ ç , max , 1 . 0 max , £ - + a a a a a a ÷ ÷ ç f . V æ V ç è ua f , . x V s , R V V , ua R , , y y ÷ ø ö ç s , R f . N N sc , R ö sc , R , x ø ÷ , y , y f . V sc , x f . V ö è æ s , V R ua è f æ . N N ua ø b N + V , ac = max , ua ø ÷ + max , , ua , x ÷ £ 1.0 ç ç ÷ ÷ + è max ç ç ç ÷ a f N a f N f f f f V V V V sc , y ø sc , x ø æ N è ua sa N ua ö sc ø è sa , x è sa , y ÷ ÷ £ 1 . 0 , highest utilizatio n under tens ion loading per rebar b N , ac = max ç ç N N s R sc R , , . . f f a a ø è b N + V , ac = max ç ç æ N ua N ua ö , ÷ £ 1.0 è f a N sa f N a sc ø æ V ua , y V ua , y Connection Anchor and Channel : ФV sc,x 13. Field Fixes highest highest utlization utilizatio n under under tension loading per channel bolt b N , ac = max ç Anchor reinforcement anchorage: ФV ca 12. Instructions for Use shear loading per channel bolt Anchor reinforcement anchorage: ФV ca Please refer table and for strength values. 11. Best Practices ФV sa,x > V aua,x 10. Design Software Required verifications under combined tension and shear loading ÷ ÷ + ç b N + V , s = ç ç è f . N ss ø ç è ФV cb,x > V aua,x Anchor strength: ФV sa,x 9. Special Anchor Channel Design Steel failure of channel bolts under combined loads (ESR-3520) Concrete breakout strength for shear parallel: ФV cb,x Channel bolt and channel lip connection: ФV s,l,x 8. Reinforcing Bar Anchorage If forces act in more than one direction the combination of loads has to be verified. Anchor channels subjected to combined axial and shear loads shall be designed to satisfy the following requirements by distinguishing between steel failure of the channel bolt, steel failure modes of the channel and concrete failure modes. Anchor reinforcement anchorage: ФV ca Please refer table and for strength values. 7. Anchor Channel Design Code highest utlization under tension loading per rebar ö b V , ac , y = max ç ç æ V a , V a ÷ ÷ ö £ 1 . 0 highest utilizatio n under shear loading (perpendic ular) per rebar , R , , y y ø è f ç . V s , R ua , , y y f , . V sc ua b V , ac , y = max ÷ £ 1.0 highest utlization under shear loading (perpendicular) per rebar ç ÷ a V sa , y f a V sc , y æ V è f ua , x V ua , x ö ø ÷ £ 1 . 0 , s R x V , , f . f . V sc , a R , x ÷ ø a è b V , ac , x = max ç ç a = 2 . 0 for rebar channels with max (V sa, y , V sc, y ) £ min (N sa , N sc ) Please refer table and for strength values. a = 1 . 0 for rebar channels with max (V sa, y , V sc, y ) > min (N sa , N sc ) Anchor reinforcement anchorage: ФV ca It is permitted to assume reduced values for V sa,y and V sc,y corresponding to the use of an exponent α = 2. In this case the reduced values for V sa,y and V sc,y shall also be used æ V ö V ç f V ÷ è : sa , x f V sc , x ø In all other cases highest utilizatio n under shear loading (perpendic ular) per rebar ua , x ua , x utlization (perpendicular) per rebar a rebar resist sion highest and shear loads in under SDC C, shear D, E, loading or F (seismic) b V = , ac 1 , x = for max , to 1.0 ç channels ÷ £ ten This check is in accordance to ESR- 3520 Sec., Concrete breakout strength for parallel shear: The concrete breakout strength for parallel shear is calculated according ESR for both channels are verified independently and neglecting the EDGE front plate. The concrete utilization of both edges is then combined in conservative way as described in the next paragraph. 4. Design Introduction 304 Cast-In Anchor Channel Product Guide, Edition 1 • 02/2019 305