Product Technical Guides : CA-EN Steel Deck Fastening Systems | Page 61

Steel Deck Fastening Systems Optimized Diaphragm Shear Tables 1.6 Allowable diaphragm design strength, plf* S ASD S ASD (wind) (seismic) 181 193 194 206 207 221 222 236 237 253 254 270 272 289 291 309 311 331 333 354 356 379 381 406 408 434 437 464 467 497 500 532 535 569 572 609 612 651 655 697 701 746 750 798 802 854 859 914 919 977 983 1046 1126 1197 1289 1371 1475 1570 1689 1797 Span = 8'-0'' Recommended Hilti powder-actuated frame fastener pattern-sidelap spacing Hilti SLC (in. o.c.)* X-ENP-19 with t f ≥ 1/4" X-HSN 24 with 3/16" ≤ t f ≤ 3/8" X-HSN 24 with 1/8" ≤ t f < 3/16" 22 ga. 20 ga. 18 ga. 16 ga. 22 ga. 20 ga. 18 ga. 22 ga. 20 ga. 18 ga. 36/3-72 36/3-60 36/3-48 36/3-42 36/3-36 36/3-30 36/3-24 36/3-20 36/3-20 36/3-16 36/4-20 36/4-16 36/5-20 36/5-16 36/5-14 36/4-10 36/5-12 36/5-10 36/5-8 36/5-8 36/9-12 36/9-10 36/7-7 36/9-8 36/9-7 36/9-6 36/11-5 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-60 36/3-48 36/3-42 36/3-36 36/3-30 36/3-24 36/3-24 36/3-20 36/3-18 36/4-20 36/4-18 36/4-16 36/4-14 36/5-16 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/5-10 36/5-8 36/5-8 36/5-7 36/7-8 36/9-8 36/9-6 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-60 36/3-48 36/3-42 36/3-36 36/3-30 36/3-24 36/3-24 36/3-20 36/4-24 36/4-20 36/4-18 36/4-16 36/4-14 36/5-16 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/5-10 36/5-8 36/5-7 36/7-7 36/9-7 36/9-5 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-60 36/3-48 36/3-42 36/3-36 36/3-30 36/3-24 36/3-20 36/3-18 36/3-16 36/4-20 36/4-16 36/5-20 36/5-16 36/5-14 36/4-10 36/5-10 36/5-10 36/7-10 36/7-8 36/9-8 36/9-6 36/3-54 36/3-48 36/3-39 36/3-33 36/3-27 36/3-24 36/3-21 36/3-18 36/3-15 36/4-18 36/4-16 36/4-14 36/4-12 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/5-10 36/5-9 36/5-8 36/5-7 36/5-6 36/7-7 36/7-6 36/9-7 36/9-6 36/9-5 36/11-6 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-63 36/3-51 36/3-45 36/3-36 36/3-30 36/3-27 36/3-21 36/3-18 36/3-15 36/4-20 36/4-18 36/4-15 36/4-13 36/4-12 36/4-10 36/5-12 36/5-10 36/5-9 36/9-14 36/9-12 36/9-10 36/7-7 36/9-7 36/9-5 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-69 36/4-60 36/4-51 36/4-42 36/4-36 36/4-33 36/4-27 36/4-24 36/4-21 36/4-18 36/4-15 36/4-14 36/4-12 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/5-11 36/5-9 36/5-8 36/5-6 36/9-8 36/9-6 36/9-5 36/4-48 36/4-48 36/4-42 36/4-36 36/4-30 36/4-24 36/4-24 36/4-20 36/4-18 36/4-16 36/4-14 36/5-16 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/9-20 36/7-12 36/9-14 36/9-12 36/9-10 36/9-10 36/9-8 36/9-7 36/11-8 36/11-7 36/11-6 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-60 36/4-48 36/4-42 36/4-36 36/4-30 36/4-30 36/4-24 36/4-20 36/4-20 36/4-16 36/5-20 36/5-16 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/7-14 36/9-18 36/9-14 36/7-10 36/9-12 36/9-10 36/7-7 36/9-7 36/11-6 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-60 36/4-48 36/4-48 36/4-42 36/4-36 36/4-30 36/4-24 36/4-24 36/4-20 36/4-18 36/4-16 36/4-14 36/5-16 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/7-14 36/7-12 36/9-14 36/7-10 36/9-10 36/9-7 36/11-7 * Please refer to footnotes listed at the end of this section on page 60. Allowable diaphragm design strength, plf* S ASD S ASD (wind) (seismic) 169 180 181 193 194 206 207 221 222 236 237 253 254 270 272 289 291 309 311 331 333 354 356 379 381 406 434 408 437 464 467 497 500 532 535 569 572 609 612 651 655 697 701 746 750 798 802 854 859 914 919 977 1052 1119 1204 1281 1379 1467 1579 1679 Span = 9'-0'' Recommended Hilti powder-actuated frame fastener pattern-sidelap spacing Hilti SLC (in. o.c.)* X-ENP-19 with t f ≥ 1/4" X-HSN 24 with 3/16" ≤ t f ≤ 3/8" X-HSN 24 with 1/8" ≤ t f < 3/16" 22 ga. 20 ga. 18 ga. 16 ga. 22 ga. 20 ga. 18 ga. 22 ga. 20 ga. 18 ga. 36/3-72 36/3-60 36/3-48 36/3-42 36/3-36 36/3-30 36/3-30 36/3-24 36/3-20 36/3-18 36/3-16 36/4-18 36/4-16 36/4-14 36/5-16 36/5-14 36/4-10 36/5-10 36/5-10 36/5-8 36/9-12 36/9-10 36/7-7 36/9-8 36/9-7 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-60 36/3-48 36/3-48 36/3-42 36/3-36 36/3-30 36/3-24 36/3-20 36/3-20 36/3-16 36/4-20 36/4-16 36/4-14 36/5-16 36/4-12 36/4-10 36/5-12 36/5-10 36/5-8 36/5-8 36/5-7 36/7-7 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-60 36/3-48 36/3-48 36/3-36 36/3-36 36/3-30 36/3-24 36/3-20 36/3-18 36/3-16 36/4-20 36/4-16 36/4-14 36/5-16 36/4-12 36/4-10 36/5-12 36/5-10 36/5-8 36/9-10 36/9-8 36/9-6 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-60 36/3-48 36/3-42 36/3-36 36/3-30 36/3-24 36/3-24 36/3-20 36/3-18 36/4-20 36/4-18 36/4-16 36/4-14 36/5-16 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/5-10 36/5-8 36/9-10 36/7-7 36/11-8 36/3-57 36/3-48 36/3-42 36/3-36 36/3-30 36/3-24 36/3-21 36/3-20 36/3-16 36/3-14 36/3-12 36/4-15 36/4-12 36/5-15 36/5-12 36/4-9 36/5-10 36/5-9 36/5-8 36/5-7 36/5-6 36/9-9 36/9-7 36/9-7 36/9-6 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-72 36/3-63 36/3-54 36/3-45 36/3-39 36/3-33 36/3-27 36/3-24 36/3-21 36/3-18 36/3-15 36/4-18 36/4-16 36/4-15 36/4-12 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/5-11 36/5-9 36/5-8 36/5-7 36/5-6 36/9-10 36/7-6 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-69 36/4-57 36/4-51 36/4-45 36/4-39 36/4-33 36/4-30 36/4-24 36/4-21 36/4-20 36/4-18 36/4-15 36/4-14 36/4-12 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/5-10 36/5-9 36/9-12 36/9-9 36/9-7 36/9-5 36/4-48 36/4-48 36/4-42 36/4-36 36/4-30 36/4-30 36/4-24 36/4-20 36/4-20 36/4-18 36/4-16 36/4-14 36/4-12 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/9-18 36/9-14 36/7-10 36/9-12 36/9-10 36/9-8 36/9-8 36/9-7 36/9-6 36/11-6 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-60 36/4-60 36/4-48 36/4-42 36/4-36 36/4-36 36/4-30 36/4-24 36/4-24 36/4-20 36/4-18 36/4-16 36/4-14 36/5-16 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/9-18 36/9-16 36/9-14 36/9-12 36/9-10 36/9-8 36/9-7 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-72 36/4-60 36/4-60 36/4-48 36/4-42 36/4-36 36/4-30 36/4-30 36/4-24 36/4-24 36/4-20 36/4-18 36/4-16 36/4-14 36/5-16 36/5-14 36/5-12 36/7-14 36/9-16 36/9-14 36/9-10 36/9-8 36/11-8 36/11-6 * Please refer to footnotes listed at the end of this section on page 60. Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | I en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I I PTG Decking Supplement 2014 59