Steel Deck Fastening Systems
1.1 Steel Deck Fastener Design and Selection
1.1. Terminology and Definitions Steel Deck Definitions Fastener Terminology Base Material - The existing part of the work that is a base
for the fastening. The structural steel or bar joist framing
members in steel deck applications.
= Hilti terminology for direct fastening
powder-actuated technology
Hilti fastener type used for attaching steel deck
to structural support steel with DX 76 and
DX 860-ENP powder-actuated tools
(X-ENP19 L15)
= diaphragm flexibility factor, micro-inch/lb
(mm x 10 -6 /N)
= diaphragm shear stiffness lb/in. (N/mm x 10 -6 )
HSN = Hilti High Shear Nail fastener type for attaching
steel deck to bar joist support steel used
with DX 860-HSN and DX 460-SM
powder-actuated tools (X-HSN 24)
q = allowable diaphragm shear, plf (N/mm)
Q f = structural connector strength, lb (kN)
Q s = fastener strength, panel to panel, lb (kN)
S f
= fastener flexibility factor, panel to frame,
in./kip (mm/kN)
S s
= fastener flexibility factor, panel to panel,
in./kip (mm/kN)
t f ( t || ) = flange thickness of beam or bar joist for steel
deck applications, in. (mm)
ICC-ES = International Code Council - Evaluation Service
= Steel Deck Institute
CSSBI = Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute X
-HVB Shear Connector
h r = nominal rib height, in. (mm)
H s = connector height, in. (mm)
N r = number of connectors in one rib
q = allowable shear strength, lb (kN)
Q n = nominal shear strength, lb (kN)
R g = coefficient to account for group effect
w r = average width of rib, in. (mm)
Y con
= distance from top of steel beam to top
of concrete slab, in. (mm)
Beam - One of the principal horizontal supporting members
of a building.
Burn through - Unintended welding-related holes created
in steel deck.
Button punch - A mechanical means of connecting two
pieces of sheet metal together by crimping with a special
tool. This method is used on BI or interlocking deck panels.
Direct fastening - A fastening method in which the
fastenings are made without any preparation steps such
as drilling a hole. Examples are powder-actuated fastening
and self-drilling screws.
Diaphragm deck - A decking system which is designed
to carry lateral loads due to wind or seismic action in addition
to gravity loads and wind uplift.
Endlap - The overlap of adjacent steel deck panels at the
ends of the panels (end edges perpendicular to the steel
deck panel fluting). Typically specified as 2 or 4 inches.
Butted deck with no endlap is used for some steel deck
(e.g., cellular).
Fastener pattern - The number and spacing of fasteners at
each support for a steel deck panel.
Fastened material - The component that must be attached
to the base or supporting material.
Fastening - The combination of fastener, fastened material
and base material all in final position.
Fastening system - The fastener, fastening tool and driving
power source all taken together as a system with specific
performance characteristics.
Gauge - A measure of thickness for sheet metal. Reference
Section 1.1.7 for common steel deck gauges.
Interlocking sidelap (BI Connection) - Steel deck panels
having male and female side edges. The adjacent deck panel
male and female edges interlock into each other when the
deck is installed. The interlocks are fastened together using
button punches, proprietary punch systems, welds,
or screws.
Joist - A structural member in a building which is used to
support a floor or roof.
2 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | I en espaƱol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I I PTG Decking Supplement 2014