Product Technical Guides : CA-EN Steel Deck Fastening Systems | Page 26

36/3 6'' Steel Deck Fastening Systems 914/3 36'' 152 mm 1-1/2'' 914 mm 38 mm 1.1 Steel Deck Fastener Design and Selection EDN IMPERIAL EDN 1.1.9 How to use Diaphragm Shear Tables 36/4 General: The following Product Technical Guide Sections 1.2 to 1.6 provide Hilti fastener product 6'' technical data sheets and 36'' 1-1/2'' the pre-calculated diaphragm shear and stiffness tables using design equations provided in Section 1.1.8. Pre-calculated diaphragm shear and stiffness tables are provided in two formats. 36/5 Tables in Sections 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 are in a traditional design format with diaphragm shear and stiffness values within 6'' 36'' 1-1/2'' the table. Tables in Section 1.6 are in a Hilti alternative format with cost optimized Hilti frame fastener patterns, Hilti sidelap connector (SLC) spacings and deck gauge for a given diaphragm shear 36/7 load demand. This alternative format provides a means for quick reference in order to determine cost optimized 6'' 36'' 1-1/2'' equivalent fastening solutions based on diaphragm shear load only. Steel Deck Fastening Systems 36/3 914/4 Traditional diaphragm shear tables: Sections 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 provide tables in 152 a format similar to those published in 6'' mm 36'' 914 mm 38 mm the SDI DDM03, CSSBI and most 1-1/2'' steel deck manufacturers' catalogs. As shown in Figure 18, these diaphragm shear tables are generally created with span across the heading and sidelap 36/4 spacing along the left margin or 914/5 column. Along with other design variables as mm deck gauge and fastener pattern, the 6'' such 152 36'' 1-1/2'' 914 mm 38 mm tables are populated with the corresponding diaphragm shear and stiffness values. 152 mm 152 mm The Structural Engineer searches through the various combinations until a diaphragm shear and stiffness factor is 36/5 914/7 found that meet the design requirements. 6'' 152 mm Optimized diaphragm shear tables: 36'' 1-1/2'' 914 mm Section 1.6 38 provides mm tables in an alternative format that helps a Structural Engineer to quickly select a cost optimized Hilti frame fastener pattern, Hilti In all cases, diaphragm shear values determined using either 1.2 Deck Fasteners for Attachment to sidelap Bar connector Joist (SLC) spacing and deck gauge combination to satisfy the diaphragm shear load requirement table format are consistent. 36/7 36/9 914/9 found in the left column of the table (Reference Figure 19). These tables do not take into account other design factors, 6'' based These tables are on diaphragm shear capacity only, 6'' 152 mm 36'' 1-1/2'' such as gravity or wind uplift loads. These requirements 36'' 1-1/2'' 914 mm 38 mm diaphragm stiffness must be G', verified Allowable Stress Design (ASD) - Allowable Engineer. Diaphragm Shears, S ASD , (plf) and Stiffness Factors, (kips/in.) separately. for should be checked separately by the Structural 152 mm 152 mm Standard 1-1/2" Deep Flutes, 6" Center-to-Center Steel Deck (F y ≥ 33 ksi; F u ≥ 45 ksi) Installed with Hilti X-EDN19 or X-EDNK22 Fasteners with 36/9 or 36/7 End and Interior Support Fastener Patterns 1,2,3,4 Gage Sidelap Spacing Hilti SLC 5,6 36" o.c. 24" o.c. 22 18" o.c. 12" o.c. 6" o.c. 36" o.c. 24" o.c. 20 18" o.c. Span (ft - in.) 6'-0" 7'-0" 8'-0" 9'-0" 10'-0" Fasteners Per Sheet To Support 36/9 36/11 914/11 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 S ASD 715 499 612 431 529 378 467 341 421 313 388 292 363 277 6'' 152 mm 6'' G' 51.9 48.5 56.4 52.0 59.2 54.1 60.9 55.4 62.1 62.5 56.5 62.9 56.5 36'' 56.2 1-1/2'' 714 mm 36'' 38 mm 1-1/2'' S ASD 765 554 666 489 596 444 534 408 488 380 455 360 430 344 G' 52.9 50.2 58.1 54.5 61.6 57.5 64.1 59.6 65.8 61.0 67.1 62.1 68.0 62.9 S ASD 813 607 719 545 651 501 601 469 555 445 522 426 497 410 G' 53.8 51.5 59.5 56.5 63.7 60.2 66.7 62.9 69.0 64.9 70.9 66.7 71.9 68.0 S ASD 903 706 817 649 755 610 708 580 672 558 643 540 620 526 G' 55.2 53.5 61.7 59.6 66.7 64.3 70.7 68.1 74.1 70.9 76.3 73.5 78.7 75.8 S ASD 1123 941 1060 902 1014 874 980 853 952 837 931 824 760 760 36/11 G' 57.9 57.0 65.8 64.8 72.3 71.2 77.7 76.5 82.6 81.3 86.2 84.7 90.1 88.5 S ASD 948 668 815 581 715 517 635 468 575 432 528 403 495 383 G' 71.9 66.1 75.9 68.9 77.9 70.1 78.7 70.4 6'' 78.8 70.3 78.7 69.9 78.1 69.4 36'' 530 1-1/2'' 1021 749 894 665 804 607 734 564 673 627 502 593 481 S ASD G' 73.7 68.8 78.7 72.9 81.7 75.3 83.5 76.7 84.5 77.5 84.7 78.1 85.5 78.1 Steel Deck Fastening Systems S ASD 1090 825 970 745 883 690 819 649 769 618 725 594 692 574 G' 75.2 70.9 81.3 76.3 84.7 79.4 87.7 82.0 89.3 83.3 90.9 84.7 91.7 85.5 S ASD 1218 964 1110 894 1032 844 973 808 927 779 891 757 861 739 G' 77.7 74.6 84.8 81.2 90.0 86.1 93.9 89.7 96.8 92.6 99.0 95.2 101.0 97.1 S ASD 1522 1288 1447 1241 1392 1183 1317 1164 1222 1149 990 990 Span = 1208 4'-0'' 1350 G' 82.5 80.9 91.9 90.2 99.4 97.5 105.4 103.4 110.4 108.4 114.9 112.4 117.6 116.3 R e c o m m e n d e d Hilti Powder-Actuated Frame Fastener Pattern - Sidelap Spacing Hilti SLC (in. o.c.)* S ASD 1171 831 1010 724 895 651 800 593 726 548 669 513 623 485 24* with 3/16" ≤ 107.3 t f ≤ 3/8" 93.8 X-HSN with 1/8" 103.1 ≤ t f < 3/16" with G' 109.9 X-ENP-19 99.0 111.5 t f ≥ 1/4" 98.7 110.9 97.4 X-HSN 109.3 95.7 105.2 24* 91.7 90.1 S ASD 1266 935 1112 833 1003 763 921 712 855 672 798 641 752 614 20 ga. 116.8 18 ga. 16 ga. 106.3 22 ga. 117.5 20 ga. 18 ga. 105.3 22 115.5 ga. 20 ga. 114.9 18 103.1 ga. G' 22 ga. 113.6 104.2 105.9 117.7 106.0 116.6 104.4 Factor 4'-0" 5'-0" Figure 18: Excerpt of traditional diaphragm shear and stiffness factor table 12" o.c. 6" o.c. Allowable Diaphragm Design 36" o.c. Strength, plf* S ASD 24" o.c. S ASD (seismic) (wind) Optimized Diaphragm Shear Tables 1.5 S ASD 36/3 -48 1355 36/3 1033 937 1106 1028 36/4 821 968 754 289 -48 1210 36/3 -48 36/3 -48 870 36/3 -48 -48 36/4 -48 784 36/4 920 -48 36/4 -48 881 36/4 730 -48 18 272 18" o.c. G' 36/3 -48 117.6 36/3 108.7 112.4 36/3 123.5 125.0 36/4 114.9 114.9 36/4 125.0 114.9 291 309 -48 122.0 36/3 -48 -48 113.6 36/3 -30 -48 125.0 36/4 -48 -48 36/4 -48 123.5 36/4 114.9 -48 311 331 -48 1390 36/3 -48 -48 1068 36/3 -24 -48 1171 36/4 -48 991 36/4 -36 36/4 -48 1092 36/4 942 -48 S ASD 36/3 -42 1519 36/3 1211 1127 36/3 1296 1226 36/4 1024 1128 964 12" o.c. 333 354 -48 128.9 36/3 -48 -48 125.7 36/3 -18 -48 137.6 36/4 -48 -24 36/4 -48 138.9 36/4 133.3 -48 G' 36/3 -30 122.0 36/3 116.3 121.7 36/3 133.1 135.8 36/4 128.3 130.2 36/4 138.8 131.6 356 379 36/3 -24 36/3 -48 36/3 -48 36/3 -48 36/4 -30 36/4 -48 36/4 -48 36/4 -20 36/4 -48 36/4 -48 S ASD 1519 1211 1390 1145 1296 1106 1243 1077 1205 1054 1175 1037 1150 1022 6" o.c. 406 381 36/3 -18 36/3 -48 36/3 -48 36/3 -48 36/4 -24 36/4 -48 36/4 -48 36/4 -18 36/4 -48 36/4 -48 G' 133.3 129.9 143.6 139.9 151.5 147.6 157.5 153.6 162.2 158.4 166.0 162.4 169.5 166.7 408 434 36/3 -14 36/3 -42 36/3 -48 36/3 -48 36/4 -18 36/4 -48 36/4 -48 36/4 -14 36/4 -48 36/4 -48 437 464 shear 36/4 -20 are for 36/3 -30 36/3 -48 deck to 36/3 -48 36/4 -14 ranging 36/4 -42 36/4 to -48 36/4 -12 36/4 -36 36/4 -48 1 Tabulated diaphragm values attachment of steel base steel thicknesses from 3/16" 3/8". For attachment to base 467 thicknesses 497 -18 36/3 shear -20 values 36/3 for -48 36/3 -48 fasteners 36/4 should -12 36/4 -30 -48 36/5 -16 36/4 -24 36/4 -42 steel less than 36/4 3/16", diaphragm the X-EDNK22 be calculated in 36/4 accordance with Section 1.1.8 of 500 532 36/4 -14 36/3 -18 36/3 -36 36/3 -42 36/5 -18 36/4 -24 36/4 -48 36/5 -14 36/4 -20 36/4 -36 this Product Technical Guide Supplement. 36/4 -18 36/4 -24 535 569 36/4 -12 36/4 -24 36/3 -24 36/3 -30 36/5 -14 36/4 -20 36/4 -42 36/9 -48 2 Tabulated ASD diaphragm shear loads are calculated with a safety factor (Ω) of 2.35 for wind loads. To calculate ASD values for load combinations 572 609 36/5 -16 36/4 -20 36/3 -20 36/3 -24 36/5 -12 36/4 -16 36/4 -30 36/9 -48 36/4 -14 36/4 -20 involving earthquake, multiply values in table by 2.35 and divide by a safety factor (Ω) of 2.50. Panel buckling has been checked. 612 651 36/5 -14 36/4 -18 36/3 -16 36/3 -18 36/9 -48 36/4 -14 36/4 -24 36/9 -30 36/4 -12 36/4 -18 3 At 655 diaphragm perimeter, Hilti frame fasteners should be spaced at identical spacing as sidelap connectors. 697 36/5 -10 36/4 -14 36/4 -24 36/3 -14 36/5 -8 36/5 -20 36/4 -20 36/9 -20 36/5 -18 36/4 -14 4 Interpolation of diaphragm shear strengths and stiffness factors between 36/9 span dimensions, sidelap 36/4 spacings deck -16 gauge. 36/5 -14 701 746 36/5 -8 36/4 -12 36/4 -20 is allowed 36/4 -24 -24 36/5 -16 -18 and 36/9 36/4 -12 750 798 36/5 36/5 36/4 -18 36/4 diaphragm -18 36/9 -18 strengths 36/5 -12 36/5 factors -24 36/9 -12 36/5 -12 36/5 -18 Alternatively, use calculations as -7 discussed in -16 Section 1.1.8 to determine shear and stiffness directly. 36/9 -24 36/5 -14 per span 36/4 (SPS), -14 use 36/4 -16 36/9 -14 SPS=((span, 36/9 -48 ft) x 12)/(SS, 36/5 -20 in.). Round 36/9 -10 36/9 -42 36/5 -14 5 To 802 convert from 854 sidelap spacing (SS) to sidelaps the following formula: up to the next 859 914 36/9 -18 36/5 -10 36/5 -20 36/4 -12 36/9 -10 36/9 -42 36/9 -48 36/9 -8 36/9 -30 36/5 -12 whole sidelap connector. 919 977 36/9 -12 36/5 -8 36/5 -16 36/5 -18 36/9 -8 36/9 -24 36/7 -20 36/9 -7 36/9 -20 36/7 -16 6 For 18 gauge deck use S-SLC 02 M HWH. More information on Hilti Sidelap Connectors (SLC) can be found in Section 1.4. 983 36/9 -10 -7 36/5 -14 36/5 -14 -7 36/9 -20 36/9 -48 36/11-8 36/9 -16 -24 24 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | 1046 I 36/5 en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti 36/9 (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I I PTG 36/9 Decking Supplement 2014 1052 1119 36/9 -8 36/5 -6 36/5 -10 36/5 -12 36/9 -6 36/9 -16 36/9 -48 36/11-7 36/9 -12 36/9 -20 1126 1197 36/9 -7 36/9 -16 36/5 -8 36/5 -10 36/11-7 36/9 -12 36/9 -30 36/11-6 36/9 -10 36/7 -10 1204 1281 36/9 -5 36/9 -12 36/5 -7 36/5 -8 36/11-6 36/9 -10 36/9 -20 36/9 -8 36/9 -12 Figure 19: Excerpt of optimized diaphragm shear table 152 mm 9 152 mm