Product Technical Guides : CA-EN Steel Deck Fastening Systems | Page 24

Steel Deck Fastening Systems 1.1 Steel Deck Fastener Design and Selection Example problem Design parameters: Design problem: Load type: Wind Design method: ASD Span: 6'-0" Deck: 20 GA. 1-1/2" B-Deck (f u ≥ 45 ksi) Base steel: Bar joist with 1/4" top chord Frame fastener pattern: 36/7 Sidelap fastener spacing: 12" O.C. Frame fastener: X-HSN 24 Sidelap fastener: Hilti SLC Required diaphragm shear (Q): 650 plf Required uplift (T): 35 psf Determine allowable diaphragm shear strength (S ASD ), uplift (T n (ASD) ) and stiffness (G') for the given steel deck diaphragm and check against required loads. 6" 36" Hilti SLC 1-1/2" X-HSN 24 Calculation steps Step 1: Calculate nominal diaphragm shear strength limited by edge fasteners: This calculation is not required when the number of edge connectors (n e ) equals the number of sidelap fasteners (n s ). In these cases, S ne does not limit diaphragm shear strength. Step 2: Calculate nominal diaphragm shear strength limited by interior panel fasteners: Q 2107 S ni = {2 x A x (λ- 1) + B} x f = {2 x 1 x (0.802 - 1) + 16.99} x = 1,942 plf < 18 with: 1.5 x < v 1.5 x 6 λ = 1- = 1- = 0.802 ≥ 0.7 240 x t 240 x 0.0358 1 [2 x 2 x 1008 + 4 x 1008] B = n s x α s + x [ 2 x 2 x S ( x p2 ) + 4 S ( x e2 ) ] = 18 x 0.598 + = 16.99 2 w 36 2 where: 3 x < v x 12 3 x 6 x 12 n s = n e = = = 18 Sidelap Spacing 12 α s = SDI DDM03 Ref. HNA Technical Guide Eq. 2.2-2 Sec. 1.1.8 Eq. 2.2.3 Sec. 1.1.8 and Tables 7 and 8 Eq. 2.2-5 Sec. 1.1.8 and Tables 7 and 8 Q s 1260 = = 0.598 2107 Q f Step 3: Calculate nominal diaphragm shear strength limited by corner fasteners: S nc = Q f x N x B = 2107 x < 2 x N 2 + B 2 2 2 2.00 x 16.99 = 1,798 plf 18 2 x 2.00 2 + 16.99 2 2 2 Step 4: Apply correlation factor, c, to determine correlated nominal diaphragm shear strength S = c x S n = 1.102 x 1,798 = 1,981 plf where: S n = least of S ne , S ni and S nc = S nc = 1,798 plf Step 5: Apply appropriate conversion factor to determine allowable diaphragm strength S ASD (wind) = S x Conversion Factor = 1,981 x 0.426 = 844 plf Step 6: Check to see if steel deck buckling controls S buckling (ASD) = 2,750 plf > S ASD (wind) therefore, S ASD (wind) = 844 plf ≥ 650 plf Sec. 1.1.8 and Table 8 Sec. 2.4 Table 11 Table 12 22 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | I en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I I PTG Decking Supplement 2014