Steel Deck Fastening Systems
Steel Deck Fastener Design and Selection 1.1 Powder-Actuated Cartridge and Power Regulation Selection
When installing powder-actuated deck fasteners, it is
important for the installed fasteners to have a nailhead
stand-off, h NVS , within the specified range. The Hilti Power
Adjustment Guide, shown in Figure 13, is a valuable quality
assurance aid to the decking foreman. It is primarily intended
for power adjustment of the powder-actuated tool. This is
done by installing test fastenings into representative base
steel and then checking the nailhead stand-off, h NVS , at the
beginning of the work to achieve the optimal cartridge and
tool power level. This is a critical step in the work because
of variations in the structural steel strengths (F y , F u ) and
member thicknesses. By investing time up front and properly
correlating the fastening system to actual site materials, most
fastening issues can be avoided. During installation, it is also
advisable for the foreman to check the work periodically to
spot deficiencies before large portions of the deck might be
fastened incorrectly. Failure to properly set the tool, fastener
and cartridge prior to starting work can decrease fastening
quality consistency.
Figures 14 and 15 provide the
installer with a recommended
cartridge color and power setting
for Hilti bar joist and structural
steel deck fasteners, respectively.
These charts are guidelines that
the installer can use to start
the process of test fastenings
discussed above. This also helps
ensure the installer will have the
proper color cartridges on the
project site.
Figure 13:
Hilti Power
Adjustment Guide
Prior to starting work, the installer shall install a test fastening
and check the h NVS using the Hilti Power Adjustment Guide.
If necessary, the installer shall adjust the power or force that
drives the fastener into the base steel. There are two ways to
accomplish this power adjustment. One is by use of different
cartridge colors and the other is by adjusting the power
regulator on the tool itself.
Cartridge colors available for
Hilti decking tools are (in order of
increasing power): yellow, blue,
red and black. All Hilti decking
tools come equipped with a
power adjustment capability. The
settings on the power regulation
dials range from 1 to 4.
X-HSN 24
Figure 14: Cartridge and Power Regulation Guidelines for
Bar Joist Deck Fasteners installed with a DX 860-HSN 1
Figure 15: Cartridge and Power Regulation Guidelines for
Structural Steel Deck Fasteners 1
1 Cartridge recommendations for the X-ENP-19 fastener are acceptable for all current Hilti Decking Tools for attachment to structural steel.
Cartridge recommendations for the X-HSN 24 fasteners are for the DX 860-HSN. Cartridge recommendations for the DX 460-SM can be
found in the tool operator manual. Recommendations are guidelines only and require verification on each site.
Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | I en espaƱol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I I PTG Decking Supplement 2014 13