Prodigies 2019 | Page 13


Pellentesque consequat

egestas imperdiet quam

malesuada et error dolore

ante turpis amet nulla. Sodales

eugiat dictum sagittis quisque

curabitur vivamus sagittis sit nulla

lobortis voluptate feugiat amet.

suscipit sodales praesent ac in a

nascetur. Nec neque at nascetur

Interdum posuere erat. Sapien

vitae et ornare lobortis nunc porta

It was another thrilling edition of the Annual Bonny Island Spelling Bee Competition, 2018. 66 spellers from across the 18 secondary schools on the Island contested for the championship. The competition is aimed at improving students' spelling, increasing their vocabularies and developing the correct use of English while providing them with the opportunity to develop healthy competitive skills. The Centre and school educators spent weeks in preparing the spellers for the event.

Emotions were high on D-day as the Judges took the spellers through the rounds of words. As the rounds of words got tougher, more spellers dropped off the competition. At the end, three spellers made it to the final round - Daniel Odoh, Vincent Jumbo and Viana Allison. Of these trio,Viana became the Champion claiming the N100,000 Education fund from the Centre.

Special thanks to the Judges - Karachi Atiya, Ijeoma Ukandu, Adata Bristol and Lucas Nwachukwu. as well as improving their self-esteem, creating

Say 'Hello' to the new Spelling Bee Champion, Miss Viana Allison
