Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 6

PROCEEDINGS | Scientific Symposium INDICE Programma schematico 18 Aurora Savelli 23 Da una città allo spazio mondo: per un’introduzione ai Proceedings del Forum 2020 “Building Peace through Heritage” Plenary Keynote Sessions 37 Opening 37 Marc Laenen 39 “Building peace Trough heritage”: some observations on the interpretation and presentation of heritage sites as a contribution to peace. A position paper Environment and Life Beyond Tourism 47 Sue Hodges 49 Heritage tourism in the time of COVID-19: imagining a new future for our pasts Focus to Change: Prato 59 Valerio Barberis 61 Circular economy and urban forestry driving the city’s vision Building Peace through Heritage 69 Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa 71 Heritage-led Future – The case of Bahrain Alexander Kudryavtsev 81 The cultural message of the ancient capital in the 21st century Giora Solar 83 Cultural Heritage as indicator of peace and reconciliation Engagement for Heritage 87 Mammadova Gulchohra 89 International cooperation as an important aspect of Protection and sustainable development of heritage (on the example of Azerbaijan) Hans Christie Bjønness 99 DO NO HARM: know your context! Towards transdisciplinary urban conservation and development practice to build peace Sue Millar 123 War & Peace? World Heritage Sites in an era of conflicts 4