Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 556

2020 | Building Peace through Heritage
The architecture of the region expresses the need of the northern peoples to turn to ancient romantic times , reflected by the “ national romanticism ”. But it is heterogeneous , with traits of historicism , emerging functionalism , neoclassicism ( which is especially important for the regional architecture of Saratov with a strong classicist tradition ), Art Nouveau of Central European stylistics . Through close Germany came the influence of the countries of central Europe : Austria and France .
In France , as in Belgium , at the turn of the ХIХ-ХХ centuries new designs with widespread use of metal and large glazing areas began to be widely used . Such a solution was perfectly suited for industrial and commercial buildings . These years were marked by a boom in the construction of covered markets throughout Europe . A good example is the covered market in Narbonne , France , which is located 400 meters southeast of the Cathedral . The market was opened on January 1 , 1901 . Its architect was Victor Baltar . The metal structural frame gives the impression of tremendous lightness and clarity . It also allowed to make large window openings through which natural light penetrates into the room .
Fig . 3 - ( left ) The Covered market in Narbonne , 1901 ; ( right ) The Covered Market in Saratov , 1915
The construction of covered markets went everywhere ; new trends did not bypass the capital cities of Russia . So , according to the project of architect N . S . Kitner in the city of St . Petersburg in 1883-1885 , a whole shopping complex was built , consisting of several objects , which , unfortunately , is lost . An example of such a structure in Saratov is the building of the Covered Market , designed by architect V . A . Lukshin ( Figure 3 ).
A large imprint on the architecture of Saratov is imposed by German architectural traditions introduced by the Volga Germans . So , for example , the Conservatory designed by S . A . Kallistratov ( Figure 4 ) has neo-Gothic features in its appearance . Towers with a tented finish , the rhythm of buttresses , lancet windows are the characteristic features of German churches . We can find similar Gothic features in trade buildings of both capital cities and regional , including Saratov . The same lancet windows , the rhythm of vertical divisions , turrets , tents , open brickwork , brick decor , the symmetry of the facade - all this reflects the modern trends in the construction of German cities of that period .
Fig . 4 - The Conservatory , 1912 , arch . S . A . Kallistratov
Separately , considering the work of S . A . Kallistratov we would like to note one of his most important structures - the Astoria Hotel . Innovative for Saratov was the design of the attic floor with gable canopies