Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 550

PROCEEDINGS | Scientific Symposium
At the turn of the century , first in Europe , and then in Russia , the word “ Art Nouveau ” begins to sound everywhere , indicating new trends in urban development and architecture and giving a name to a new style . “ Nouveau ” means “ new , modern ”. The new style embodied the rethought European arts , an aesthetic generalization of the experience of humankind , a synthesis of various historical traditions combined the idea of ​ progress and expediency . It tried to bridge the divide between rationality and grace , beauty and functionality , and of course usefulness .
Timeliness of the style was obvious : the era of cities demanded the implementation of all the technical achievements of humankind . Generally accessible , convenient , affordable - such was the demand for architecture , dictated by developing urbanization and the emerging overpopulation of cities . Architecture begins to be perceived not only as a direction in art and style , but also becomes available for public use .
The fathers of Art Nouveau were architects of Belgium , Austria and Germany , whose ideas , like many other achievements of Europe , came to Russia . Art Nouveau , according to the theorists , was supposed to express the spiritual content of the era with the help of non-traditional forms and techniques , modern materials and constructive solutions . The discoveries of Europeans began to live in Russia a new life , strange and contradictory , every day more and more at odds with the samples and standards of architecture .
In Russia , Art Nouveau experienced three periods : early , mature ( rational ) and late , the difference between which is due to the difference in the expressions of style . Early Art Nouveau in Russia had several manifestations , in particular , the neo-Russian style , but , in fact , early Art Nouveau is the European Art Nouveau , ornamented , unusual for everyday perception , symbolic and pretentious , and most importantly short-lived . In a mature ( rational ) period , more or less stable and unchanging ideas appear . Late Art Nouveau gave a concept , a very specific type of building , and the basis for future constructivism . D . Sarabyanov called it a pre-constructivism stage in Art Nouveau . Such conditional periodization more or less reflects the functional differences of modern architecture .
Early Art Nouveau became the epitome of fantasy and persistent search of a great style . This period is characterized by the desire to individually stand out and show oneself in a unique way , and a wide understanding of architecture and style disposed to it .
The mature stage ( 1890-1900s ) was a period of reflection and attempt to resolve the global contradiction between elite art and mass one . The release from the subjective comes through addressing the society that requires comfortable and large rooms , to the extent beautiful and practical . Mass urban development begins , railway stations , indoor shopping galleries , cinemas , museums , apartment buildings , factory dormitories appear . All creative forces are thrown at it . But the formation of the style was never completed , modern began to simplify .
Late Art Nouveau ( 1900 - 1917 ). During this period , buildings of public importance were built : stations , printing houses , banking complexes , apartment buildings . Dimensions become their special feature : powerful storey buildings with a minimal and simple decor . Sarabyanov believes that during this period preparations for constructivism were underway . Buildings are freed from decor , and glass and metal begin to play a defining role as material . However , there are mansions , but romantic and mystical motives and moods are extremely restrained here . The weakening of emotionality , expressiveness and partly the simplification of Art Nouveau in later periods were associated with a certain exhaustion of symbolic early Art Nouveau . It turned out , in contrast to the mature one , less adapted to solving social problems , non-contact with society . The early one had an internal individual focus .
The study of the formation of regional architecture and its interaction with domestic and world architecture is relevant in connection with the insufficient studies of the processes in regions . There are questions requiring research about how regional architecture retains its uniqueness in Russian and world archi-