Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 548

2020 | Building Peace through Heritage
Traits of European Art Nouveau in province architecture of Saratov as seen in the building of Hotel Astoria
Alexandra Klimova 1 , Catherine E . Glebova 2
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov ( SSTU ), Institute of urbanism , architecture and construction ( UrbAC ), Department of Architecture . Russia , student , shura . klimova . 98 @ mail . ru
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov ( SSTU ), Institute of urbanism , architecture and construction ( UrbAC ), Department of Architecture . Russia , associate professor , cglebova @ mail . ru
Abstract : The beginning of the 20th century is characterized by development of Art Nouveau . This style originated in Europe , but thanks to active cultural connections , international exhibitions , and the fact that Russian architects studied in the leading European schools , the style gained popularity in Russia . West-European influences are clearly seen in Russian Traits of European Art Nouveau in province architecture of Saratov as seen in the building of Hotel Astoria , but there are also specific traits that were rooted in the local traditions . The phenomenon of the Russian province Art Nouveau is especially interesting to be studied . In the article we are looking at the influence and borrowings in the development of Art Nouveau style in the architecture of Saratov at the beginning of the 20th century . We have drawn parallels between Russian , French-Belgium Art Nouveau , Vienna Secession and Liberty . It is worth to be noted that in most cases province architecture is characterized by simplicity of the volume-planning solutions , primitive plastic decor and transformation of the specific traits of the style . All of this creates difficulties in style classification and lowers cultural significance of the object . However , there are some unique works that can compete not only with the capital but European ones on the basis of style literacy . The example we use in the given research is one of the unique buildings in Saratov - hotel Astoria . Its architect Kallistratov , got special education in Switzerland , and was majorly influenced by Western architecture . It is clearly seen in the project of Astoria . The construction and decoration of the facade were typical of the building construction practice of Amsterdam , but in Russia they were only occasionally used in Moscow and St . Petersburg . The building of the hotel Astoria has been and still remains one of the city sights .
Keywords : heritage , protection , cultural expressions , intercultural dialogue
The architecture of the turn of the 20th century plays a major role in the development of world architecture . Over the centuries , architectural styles have succeeded one another with unprecedented speed . Innovation in the field of architectural stylistics , shaping , typology , constructive solutions led to the creation of vivid works , the emergence of leaders leading searches in various directions . This process has created a rich architectural heritage . Searches and experiments are characteristic of the world , as well as Russian and Saratov architecture at the turn of the 20th century .
That time was called the ‘ silver Age ”, probably continuing the ancient tradition of cyclicality in defining the space of history : the golden , silver , iron , bronze centuries . Everything repeats , and everything is new . Fashionable is replaced by relevant , relevant – by fashionable . Art Nouveau , which was recognized by not so many , nevertheless , has turned into a complete , holistic style , and to this day striking the imagination with rare boldness of expressive means . It became a symbol of the new century , partially reviving old values .