Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 544

2020 | Building Peace through Heritage
The basis of this problem lies in the architect ’ s poor knowledge of the theory of classical forms , and in the complete absence of aesthetic tastes for the modern customer , and low ethical standards for the builder .
To solve this problem , a comprehensive review of the views of all participants in the architectural process is required . Only then will modern classical architecture gain its meaning .
References 01 . V . N . Semenov , V . I . Davydov . ‘ saratov historical - architectural ” 02 . Smirnov Gleb . « Palladio . Seven philosophical travels » 03 . Architecture of the Stalin`s epoch . Experience of historical reflection / Ed . by J . L . Kosenkova 04 . Ikonnikov A . V . Historicism in architecture .– M .: Stroyizdat , 1997