Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 538

PROCEEDINGS | Scientific Symposium
Fig . 4 - The House of Nedonoskov , 1820 . Historical view ( 1980 ) and “ remake ” ( 1997 )
As a second example , we can cite the building 10 of the building of the Saratov State University ( arch . Yu . K . Burmistrov , 1999 ). This corner building completed the formation of the historical ensemble of the university , built in 1909 by the famous Saratov architect K . L . Mufke . The Mufke project was not fully implemented and the final formation of the ensemble took place throughout its 100-year existence . In the 1950s , in the neoclassical style , in which the main buildings of the ensemble were built , two more buildings built , a teaching and library building , which fixed the corner of the ensemble ( arch . M . N . Fridman and S . V . Istomin ). The buildings were designed in compliance with the general compositional and proportional system and harmoniously fit into the ensemble . In the 1970s , a significant dissonance was introduced into the university ensemble : nine-story buildings made of glass and concrete were built ( arch . V . P . Rogov ). However , from the side of Moskovskaya Street - in fact , this is the main facade of the entire complex - the ensemble remained intact .
In 1999 , a new 10 building was built in the neoclassical style , fixing the left corner of the ensemble at the intersection of Moskovskaya / Astrakhanskaya St . The new building is slightly higher than the rest of the buildings of the complex , and acts as a dominant in the vast space of the intersection . This is probably his only positive characteristic , since the aesthetic quality of its architecture is difficult to evaluate .
Another corner of the ensemble at the intersection of Moscovskaya St . and Universitetskaya St . is fixed by the library building , the entrance to which is decorated in the form of a rotunda : a cylindrical volume with a large Corinthian order on a high base . Comparing the library building with the new academic building , unfortunately , reveals architectural flaws : violation of proportions , tectonics and constructive logic , free interpretation and excessive stylization of plastic decor ( Figure 6 ).
Fig . 5 - ( left ) Saratov State University , 10th building ; ( right ) library building