Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 534

PROCEEDINGS | Scientific Symposium
reflected in the construction of the building of the barracks of the provincial battalion ( Universitetskaya St ., 59 , 1850 ). The functional purpose of the building did not imply the use of complex solutions and decor . Nevertheless , the three-story building of the barracks , decorated only with a simple cornice and flat archivolts , attracts with its orderliness and simplicity . The harmonious proportions and the step of the twin arched windows refer us to Italian motifs , and specifically to the facade of the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence . Using it as an analogue , and making some adjustments to the proportional structure and step of the window openings , the architect eventually got a largescale building surrounding the building , which still attracts the views of citizens passing by ( Figure 1 ).
Saratov barracks are not the only Salko building , made according to Italian counterparts . The Palladian principle of three-part division of the facade was displayed on many Saratov sites . But Salko most expressively conveyed this technique in the school project ( Sobornaya St ., 33 , 1984 ). This time , the architect turned to the scheme of the facade of the palazzo Iseppo da Porta in Vicenza . In the facades of the school , we will not find any obvious similarities in forms or details with its analogue , here Salko clearly followed the canonical proportional system used by Andrea Palladio himself ( Figure 1 ).
Another object with “ Italian roots ” is the Saratov architect F . I . Schuster ( Radishchev St ., 43 , 1889 ). The Palazzo Del Capitano mentioned above was also reflected in Saratov architecture . The facade is oriented to the main street of the city . When applying the scheme of del Capitano , Schuster replaced the windows of the second tier with the wall plane with round decorative niches and simplified the unfastening of the cornice and attic . However , the facade of the palazzo is easy to read .
Palladian decision methods the facades of villas began to be actively used in the construction of urban estates . Moreover , their construction was of a massive nature , since the construction used the so-called “ exemplary ” projects . For example , the Parusinov House ( Moskovskaya St ., 43 ), built according to such an “ exemplary ” project , repeated the proportional layout of the facade of the Foscari villa in Mira , the only difference was that the architect used half columns instead of round columns in the project .
A fairly common technique in Saratov architecture was the repetition of individual structural or decorative elements and their use on the facades without any changes and transformations . An example of such a citation can be seen on the building of the estate of Governor Stolypin ( arch . A . N . Klementyev , Michurina St , 1903-1904 ), on the side risalite with a loggia . Its order elements are borrowed from the Conservatives ’ palazzo in the Capitol Square in Rome and match even in small details .
The loggia cell on the side risalite of the Korbutovsky mansion ( Sobornaya St ., 16 , 1895 ) quotes the reception of San Savino from the library facade on St . Mark ’ s Square in Venice ( Figure 3 ). The archway with archivolt rests on paired columns enhancing visually the depth of the loggia .
Fig . 3 - ( left ) The Korbutovsky mansion ; ( right ) library facade on St . Mark ’ s Square in Venice