Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 500

2020 | Building Peace through Heritage
art movement and also by Egyptian and Roman art from that region , this again in the attempt to retrace the routes that connected the new Israelis to the old land ( Figure 1 ).
Fig . 1 - Yitzhak Danziger , Nimrod 1939 , Israel Museum Collection
After the end of the War of Independence , it became necessary to define the common history of the people of Israel . The historical narrative created has persisted till today as the dominant state history ( Katriel 1993 ; Katriel 1994 ). The first museums were established in order to tell the historical heritage of the country ; this focused mainly on the history of the country ’ s founding fathers and on the Pioneers , who made the first settlements in Palestine . In art , the first Israeli Pioneers where represented having typical male virtues : hard worker , fighter for his homeland and archivist of the Zionist dream thanks to his reason . This common image of the Israeli Pioneer with masculine virtues was especially expressed in the art of the first years of the state ( Ibid ; Yefet 2016 ). A typical example is the iconic Israeli painting by Reuven Rubin , First Fruits ( Figure 2 ), which represents the common image of the people of Israel in the eyes of the first Israeli settlers . In the painting we see in the middle the figure of the manly Israeli pioneer , muscular and tanned because of the hard work in the sun ; devoted and on her knees next to him , a European and pale looking woman . The composition also includes a complete family , from their clothes and skin color we know they are a Jewish family immigrated from Arab Countries 1 ; on the sides the orientalistic representation of two Palestinians , one is a shepherd playing the flute and the other is resting next to his camel .
In the israeli collective narrative , the mizrahi jews did not immigrate because on the zionist ideal but Israel was a shelter for them from their former reality . In the formal national narrative they did not share the zionist ideal ( Jamal , Ibid ).