Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 490

PROCEEDINGS | Scientific Symposium
M . C . and Vacirca , M . D ., 1998 , p . 15 ) that which fascinates more is certainly the ability to involve the visitor in an attractive and intelligent way . As has already been argued in this regard some years ago , it is necessary that the museum comes to terms with all the potential which all the museum objects have , and in a special way with archaeological remains , namely the ability to transmit semantic and multistratified value with due consideration to the multicontextuality of those same exhibits . Even though , inevitably , the classification and interpretation , carried out by curators and museologists reflect a partial point of view , which in its way , debases the polysemanticity of the museum ( Vacirca , M . D ., 2012 , p . 15 ).
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