Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 466

PROCEEDINGS | Scientific Symposium
Fig . 4 - Wiślica Heritage Project ( by SKZ ): main historic values ; green area : the Regia royal domain ( left top corner ), the Collegiate Quarter ( middle ), the Stronghold on the Meadows ( right bottom corner ), defensive walls ( blue line ), and proposed Wiślica Cultural Park ( violet line )
Fig . 5 - ( left ) Wiślica new Archaeological Museum branch of the National Museum in Kielce ( by Archecon ) underground ( top ) and ground floor ( bottom ); ( right ) model view of archaeological pavilion with St . Nicolaus church Romanesque relics .
In order for it to become a mutual success of the local and state government and an example of the new opening combining traditional values with progress and social development , integrating relics of the past with the modern world and the future , called for by the 2nd Congress of Polish Conservators , the