Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 452

2020 | Building Peace through Heritage
mentally , to stop reflecting those who pass by and come across , even by chance , in the work . The initiative started in Cologne in 1992 and led , at the beginning of 2019 , to the installation of more than 71,000 ‘ stones ” ( German Stolpersteine ). The fifty-thousandth stone was laid in Turin . The 24 countries that have joined the project are Germany , Austria , the Netherlands , Hungary , Poland , Czech Republic , Belgium , Ukraine , Italy , Norway , Slovakia , Slovenia , France , Croatia , Luxembourg , Russia , Switzerland , Romania , Greece , Spain , Lithuania , Latvia , Finland and Moldova . Stumbling stones are laid in memory of the victims of Nazism , regardless of ethnicity and religion , but recently a stone has been rightly laid in memory of a child who died drown in April 2015 trying to reach Italy by sea from Mali , in order to escape hunger and persecution in his country , on whose little body the report card was found placed under the shirt , a kind of “ passport ” to a new life that was cruelly denied to him . The stumbling stone dedicated to him was wanted by the elementary school “ Carlo Pisacane ” of Rome ’ s Torpignattara district and bears the inscription : “ This school would welcome him and the other people who drown trying to cross the sea .” In Bologna , the initiative - promoted by the Jewish community - is conducted thanks to the collaboration with the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna , through the curricular internship of Dr . Alessandra Mantovani . Casalecchio di Reno also participates in this initiative starting with the laying in 2018 of two stones in Piazza del Popolo , the first in the metropolitan territory of Bologna , dedicated to political deportees , Vanes De Maria and Giovanni Galli .
From this necessarily synthetic examination of some exemplary cases of the twentieth Century and our Century , in our opinion it becomes clear the need to proceed turning to the past and preserving the memory . Only the knowledge of history , of culture in its broadest connotation , including traditions , customs , experiences and documents , both tangible and intangible , allows us to realize an authentic intercultural and interreligious dialogue , promoting welcome and solidarity with migrants ( each person has a migrant among her / his more or less recent ancestors ...), and the museums can become a valuable instrument of peacemaking and brotherhood to this aim , also in accordance with their deepest and most significant purposes .
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