Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 450

PROCEEDINGS | Scientific Symposium
In Italy , the Jewish culture , to which some museums are dedicated , the most famous that of Ferrara ( MEIS , Museo Nazionale dell ’ Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah - National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah ), preceded in time by the Bolognese Jewish Museum ( MEB ) which is based in Palazzo Pannolini , on the site of the ancient Ghetto of Bologna , is the subject of investigation and enhancement by means of many initiatives , including the Giudecche Project of Sicily , which sees the participation of the University of Bologna , the Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv , the Eastern Mediterranean University Consortium C . U . M . O . of Noto , the International Institute of Jewish Culture and the Jewish Community of Bologna , the Judeche Chart , an association signed on 8 September 2014 by 27 mayors , the Province of Reggio Calabria and the International Institute of Jewish Culture . The first association of mayors who hosted before the expulsion of 1510 the Jewish Communities was founded in Sicily in 1997 , curated by the International Institute of Jewish Culture and the Regional Council for the Local Authorities of Sicily . The neighborhoods populated almost exclusively by Jewish citizens were called Judeche . The Judeche were small wards specialized in welcoming this population as an observant community , which had its own synagogue , school , ritual bath , slaughterhouse and cemetery outside the walls . The Sicilian experience has led to the rediscovery of archaeological treasures left by the communities of the past time in as many as 57 Jewish neighborhoods scattered throughout Sicily . It was recently published by the Association The Guide of the Chart of the Judeche of Sicily , which describes the tourist routes of Jewish memory on the island . In order to proceed with the virtual reconstruction and re-proposition of the Judecche of Sicily , we turned to a pilot experience , the reconstruction of the medieval village of Motta S . Anastasia . The stronghold of Motta S . Anastasia in the province of Catania , despite exploiting an earlier Byzantine plant , is typical of the Norman defensive system that saw its origins in northern France . Those who visit the place today no longer have the opportunity to see the ancient defense system , but if you look at a floor plan or the town from above you can understand the path of the system . The Cinta Muraria , which precedes the construction of the Motta tower by several centuries , shows two different executive manners used for the construction of the masonry that recall the techniques used by the Byzantine workers , the other the system of the Norman domination . It was then proposed to create a virtual reconstruction of the ancient Sancta Anastasia through the support of written sources , images , projects and ancient photos ( Biagi et al , 2017 ). The project included the reconstruction of the contemporary historic center of Motta S . Anastasia and the simulation of the village and the ancient defensive path of the stronghold in medieval times . For the representation of the current old town , a method of reconstruction has been chosen that summarizes the essential forms , placing more interest in the virtual simulation of the Mother Church , the Tower and the Cinta Muraria . The reconstruction of the wall curtain was carried out in reference to the information and drawings found and the only stretch of wall still existing today . This is the chosen model , given the practicality and the possibility of visualizing what has been changed over time - it is preserved only what is used - in terms of acceptable veracity to proceed with the virtual reconstruction of the Judeche and make understandable consequence of the real spread and persistence in the places of Jewish communities . Another non-museum initiative , but one that deserves to be remembered here , is that of the realization of stumbling stones . The expression ‘ stumbling stone ” is borrowed from the Bible and from the Epistola to the Romans of Paul of Tarsus ( 9:33 ): “ Here , I put in Zion a stumbling block and a stone of scandal ; but those who believe in Him won ’ t be disappointed .” The initiative , implemented in several European countries , was conceived by the German artist Gunter Demnig to deposit , in the urban and social plan of European cities , a widespread memory of citizens deported to Nazi death camps . The stones are incorporated into the pavement of the cities , in front of the last homes of the victims of deportations , they are stone blocks covered with a brass plate placed on the upper face . The memory consists of a small brass plaque of the size of a sampietrino , a cube ten centimeters long on each side , placed in front of the door of the house where the victim of Nazism lived or in the place where she / he was taken prisoner , on which the name of the person , the year of birth , the date , the eventual place of deportation and the date of death , if known are written . This type of information is intended to give individuality back to those who the Nazis wanted to reduce only to an anonymous number . The expression ‘ stumbling ” must therefore be understood not in a physical sense , but visually and