Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 446

PROCEEDINGS | Scientific Symposium
certain types of addictions ( alcohol , drugs ) as they are considered as a ‘ safe ” and well-off refuge thus fleeing from the perception of reality experienced as hostile . The migrant then becomes an “ extra problem ” rather than an extra resource , a potential added value . It would seem , therefore , that there is a common denominator that goes from the lack of self-exploitation and her / his own possibilities because there is a lack of tools to learn and act in the everyday context that - for both figures - is hostile and difficult to interpret . The project then aims to make cultures dialoguing , give voice and profile to the concerned people , both migrants and young citizens , promoting work in synergy with the needs of different local contexts , involving them in training activities of start-up and preparation for work .
The design idea , which corresponds on time to what was suggested in the Amsterdam document , consisted essentially of two joint initiatives :
• To use modern information technology to build a virtual migration museum , collecting - thanks to the collaboration of young Lampedusa students and young refugees - the testimonies of migrants , on their places of origin , on their cultural traditions , on the odyssey lived on the long journey , through Africa , the Sahara area , the Mediterranean Sea , on their expectations once they arrived in Europe , in order not to lose the historical memory of this epochal moment when a stream of migrants of unprecedented size moves from one continent to another , and above all to finally have statistically significant information on the social and cultural characteristics of migration itself , in order to be able to prepare more appropriate and useful tools for the integration of migrants in respect of their cultural identity .
• To create , thanks to the innovative digital technologies of 3D laser scanning and rapid prototyping via 3D advanced printers , models of artifacts , objects , reproductions of works of art of different cultural traditions , of historic buildings in scale , to a museum location that accompanies the virtual museum of migration - even with simulations of 3D virtual reality on the web - and for an online sale of the models themselves .
All this with a dual purpose : The development of two websites , one for the Museum of Witnesses in order to preserve the memory related to migration , the other to decline human profiles , bringing out some indicators useful to the recognition of skills , predispositions and competences in order to create opportunities to meet with entrepreneurial realities , while promoting new ones . The training of those capable of creating and managing opportunities for self-employment and self-entrepreneurship , in particular women , as socially more fragile subjects , young people in secondary education and / or looking for work . Unfortunately , this project is currently stalled : The municipal council led by Mayor Giuseppina Nicolini has not been re-elected and therefore we were not able to proceed . For now .
Museums of sacred art
The return to the works preserved in museums the memory of the lived and the pre-existing historic and social situation for which they had been created and within which they performed their own function , is of fundamental importance . This is even more true for the works preserved in museums of sacred art , so that “ these museums are not only the place where more or less valuable works are deposited , but can testify the cultural path and spiritual drive of a given community , linked to a well-defined territory , in which civil and religious history , the experience of faith , the experience of so many generations have produced this immeasurable heritage , rich in masterpieces of art that express a spiritual message , which must be delivered in its possible integrity , if not enriched , to future generations ” ( Morello , 1998 ). Costruire ponti . I musei ecclesiastici per il dialogo interculturale e interreligioso – Building Bridges . Ecclesiastical Museums for the Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue was the theme of the 11 th AMEI ( Associazione Musei Ecclesiastici Italiani , Italian Ecclesiastical Museums Association ) Conference , held at the Bernareggi Museum in Bergamo , Italy , on 23 and 24 November 2017 , from whose proceedings this citation is taken .