Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 442

PROCEEDINGS | Scientific Symposium
Piemonte , Italy ), Claudio Cimino ( general secretary of WATCH - World Association for the Protection of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage in times of armed conflicts , Rome , Italy ), Paolo Ognibene ( University of Bologna , Italy ), Roberto Grandi ( president of the Istituzione Bologna Musei , Bologna , Italy ), Paola De Nuntiis ( ISAC Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the Italian National Research Council – CNR , Bologna , Italy ), Davide Bocelli ( innovation consultant , Parma , Italy ), Andrea Griletto ( director of Assorestauro , Milan , Italy ), Luca Zappettini ( KAIROS Restauri snc , Milan , Italy ), Luca Zan ( University of Bologna , Italy ) and Margarita Diaz-Andreu ( ICREA , Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies , and Universitat de Barcelona , Spain ).
The ISA ’ s initiative stems from the assumption that , in today ’ s society , the phenomena of migration and welcome / inclusion require the awareness that the individual no longer has a well-defined identity but , faced with the risk of losing it and no longer having any ( the migrant ), can and should take on multiple identities , from that of origin to that of the new reality of which she / he is a guest and to which she / he can usefully contribute with her / his own experience . Similarly , the citizen of the host society can and must enrich her / himself culturally and not only by contact with other realities , thus acquiring new identities in addition and complement to her / his own .
The conference aimed to answer the aforementioned questions related to the relationship between cultural heritage , art and social inclusion from some of the best-known experiences at European level of the enhancement of the museum as a place of social inclusion , recognition and intercultural mediation , such as the Multaka project does . Through participation in cultural heritage , public policies can be implemented that are the opposite of the segregationist and discriminatory tendencies that the states themselves generate and which are useful in increasing the capacity of the use of heritage . islamic fundamentalism and xenophobia in the host countries .
Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi , Archbishop of Bologna , wrote in his address to the participants to the conference :
“ Art and welcome are two seemingly distant terms but , in reality , closer than you might think . Welcoming a person , in fact , means coming into contact with an identity and a heritage of humanity , culture and art that can become an important tool for social integration . Each welcome , in fact , lives the dynamic of the encounter-clash through which the quality of integration is played . Does integrating mean losing what you are and have or valuing your heritage in comparison with what is new ? Does the migrant just have to lose or can he also get rich and enriched ? I think it is very useful to listen to the European experiences of enhancing art as a vehicle for social inclusion to be stimulated to trace and census the multicultural and international experiences also present in our territory .”
It needs to work on the ability of cultural heritage to be a tool of social integration for refugees / migrants from the Near East - especially Syria and Iraq - and from North Africa ; the outcome will depend on the essential participation and collaboration of museums in different European cities .
A cultural heritage initiative for Lampedusa
The door , abuab , is not only metaphorical : At the southern end of the island of Lampedusa , opposite the African coastwhere where the refugees ’ boats come from , a monument of almost five meters high and three meters wide , made in refractory ceramics and galvanized iron , opened on 28 June 2008 . The Door of Lampedusa - Door of Europe , by well-known artist Mimmo Paladino , is a symbol that helps us not to forget and that invites each of us , according to our religious or secular beliefs , to reflect and meditate on what is tragically happening , every day , before everyone ’ s eyes . The island of Lampedusa has for years been at the centre of an intense migratory flow from Africa ,