Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 436

2020 | Building Peace through Heritage
Table 1 - Migration museums
ARGENTINA Museo de la Inmigración , Buenos Aires AUSTRALIA Immigration Museum , Melbourne Migration Museum , Adelaide Australian National Maritime Museum , Sydney BELGIUM Red Star Line Museum , Antwerp BRAZIL Museu da Imigração , São Paulo CANADA Canadian Museum of Migration at Pier 21 , Halifax Ward Museum , Toronto ( virtual ) DENMARK Danish Immigration Museum , Farum FRANCE Musée national de l ’ histoire de l ’ immigration , Paris GERMANY Ballinstadt , Hamburg German Emigration Center , Bremerhaven IRELAND Cobh Heritage Center , Cobh EPIC-The Irish Emigration Museum , Dublin INDIA The Partition Museum , Amritsar , Punjab ITALY Fondazione Paolo Cresci , Lucca Galata-Museo del Mare e delle Migrazioni , Genoa Museo dell ’ Emigrazione , Asuni Museo dell ’ Emigrazione , Recanati Museo dell ’ Emigrazione della Gente di Toscana , Mulazzo Museo dell ’ Emigrazione Lucana , Avigliano Museo Eoliano dell ’ Emigrazione , Salina Museo Interattivo delle Migrazioni , Belluno Museo Narrante Nave della Sila , Camigliatello Silano Museo Nazionale dell ’ Emigrazione Italiana , Rome Museo Regionale dell ’ Emigrazione Piemontese , Frossasco Museo Regionale dell ’ Emigrazione Pietro Conti , Gualdo Tadino
JAPAN Japanese Overseas Migration Museum , Yokohama NETHERLANDS Humanity House , The Hague NORWAY The Migration Museum , Stange POLAND Emigration Museum , Gdynia PORTUGAL Museu das Migrações e das Comunidades , Fafe SAN MARINO Museo dell ’ Emigrante , Repubblica di San Marino SPAIN Museo de Historia de la Inmigración de Cataluña , Sant-Adrià de Besos ( Barcelona ) SOUTH AFRICA Lwandle Migrant Labour Museum , Cape Town SWEDEN The House of Emigrants , Växjö UK Migration Museum Project , 19 Princelet Street , London USA Angel Island , Sacramento Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration , New York Nordic Heritage Museum , Seattle Tenement Museum , New York
For example , in her article entitled A whistle-stop tour of migration in museums and galleries across the world ( https :// www . migrationmuseum . org / tag / museum-of-copenhagen /), she points out about museums in Australia and Italy that :
“ It is clear that museums across the world differ in their decision on whose histories of migration to include . The Immigration Museum in Melbourne and the Migration Museum in Adelaide , for example , explore not only the story of immigration to Australia but also its devastating impact on the indigenous communities . An impressive number of museums in Italy are dedicated to the country ’ s long history of emigration . But 1973 was a turning point : in that year more people migrated to Italy than left it . In a laudable attempt to encourage the visitor to see parallels between past emigrants and more recent immigrants , Italian museums have included sections on post-1973 immigration .”