Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 422

PROCEEDINGS | Scientific Symposium The Bedia monastery complex was built at the end of the 10th century by the Abkhazian king Bagrat III, the first king of united feudal Georgia. During the war, the temple was badly damaged. Tank shells destroyed most of the facing of the southern and partially western and eastern facades. Several shells hit the inside of the cathedral, damaging the southwestern pillar and mural paintings on the walls. Ilori Church named after St. George the Victorious was erected in the XI century. Truly, he was and remains a symbol of unity of Abkhazians and Georgians. Throughout the history of its existence, it was important, was a place of pilgrimage, was especially revered and played a huge role in the cultural, spiritual and religious life of not only Abkhazians and Georgians, but also throughout Western Georgia. Here children were baptized, married, was held requiem masses, reconciled warring families, took the purifying oath. It was considered that the prayers uttered in Ilori always reached God. For many centuries, Ilori has been an important church center. Every year, “Iloroba” was held here - a national holiday, which was attended not only by residents of all of Abkhazia. Not far from the temple is the village of Aradu. In this place was the Marshania family estate, of which I am a descendant. Our surname Marshan especially revered the church and always contributed to the restoration, to its decoration and augmentation of gifts. This cultural monument underwent a serious reconstruction and lost its authenticity. Ancient murals and inscriptions are erased or painted over, which distorts their original appearance and meaning. An expert mission of the Russian Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM Russia), together with representatives of the de facto Ministry of Culture of Abkhazia, examined the temple back in 2011 and made a competent opinion, in which it noted that the latest changes to the historical appearance of the temple are a gross violation of protection and use of an architectural monument. At the same time, experts give hope that these changes are not irreversible and may well be eliminated during restoration work. Obviously, the Georgian government has repeatedly appealed for help to all international organizations that deal with the preservation of the cultural heritage of the world, including the most authoritative, such as ICOMOS and UNESCO. Unfortunately, nothing has changed. Abkhazia has no resources for restoration. Due to the conflict, there are no effective contacts with the Georgian side, which can make a significant contribution to the conservation and urgent restoration of cultural heritage sites. The tragedy is that all this has been going on for decades. As a member of the Georgian parliament, a refugee from Abkhazia who grew up among this heritage, I am extremely worried about the real threat of the irrevocable loss of unique and priceless monuments that belong not only to our people, but to all humanity. I address you with an urgent request to develop effective mechanisms: • for urgent monitoring of the state of cultural heritage in post-conflict territories; • providing urgent assistance in the urgent conservation of monuments damaged as a result of hostilities; 420