Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 4

NOTA EDITORIALE EDITOR'S NOTE Questo libro è il terzo di tre volumi editi dalla Life Beyond Tourism Edizioni dedicati al World Forum to Change through Dialogue – Building Peace through Heritage 2020. A poche settimane dall’evento ne è stato deciso il rinvio, a causa delle circostanze dettate dalla pandemia COVID 19, che ha impedito ogni forma di aggregazione dall’inizio del 2020. Il Forum era già stato definito nel dettaglio e la maggior parte dei contributi e dei testi erano pervenuti, attendendo solo di essere condivisi con la comunità scientifica internazionale. Quindi si è ritenuto opportuno rendere accessibile tempestivamente la ricerca e il lavoro di tutti i partecipanti con le tre pubblicazioni: • l’Abstract Book del Simposio Scientifico Building Peace through Heritage - World Forum to Change through Dialogue, Florence, 13-15 March 2020, edito da Corinna Del Bianco e Aurora Savelli con Simone Giometti, ISBN 978-88-943894-7-0 • il presente libro Il World Forum to Change through Dialogue - Building Peace through Heritage 2020, Board Members of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, edito da Corinna Del Bianco e Aurora Savelli con Simone Giometti ISBN 978-88-943894-9-4 • il libro degli atti Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium Building Peace through Heritage - World Forum to Change through Dialogue, Florence, 13-15 March 2020, edito da Corinna Del Bianco e Aurora Savelli con Simone Giometti, ISBN 978-88-943894-8-7
 I testi riportati in questo volume sono in parte stati scritti in preparazione dell’evento e quindi avrebbero dovuto solamente essere presentati in plenaria, mentre altri invece sono stati scritti successivamente all’inizio della pandemia. Le pubblicazioni sono a disposizione dei membri del Movimento nella sezione download del sito This book is the third of three volumes on the event entitled World Forum To Change Through Dialogue – Building Peace Through Heritage 2020 published by Life Beyond Tourism Edizioni. A few short weeks before it was due to start, it was decided to postpone the event on account of the circumstances dictated by the COVID-19 pandemic which prevented us from holding any form of gathering from early 2020. Yet the Forum had already been defined in detail and most of the entries and papers had already been submitted, waiting only to be publicly shared with the international scientific community. And so it was deemed appropriate to share the research and the work of all those taking part by making it accessible in a timely fashion through three publications: • the Abstract book of the Scientific Symposium Building Peace Through Heritage - World Forum To Change Through Dialogue, Florence, 13-15 March 2020, edited by Corinna Del Bianco and Aurora Savelli with Simone Giometti, ISBN 978-88-943894-7-0 • this book, entitled Il World Forum to Change through Dialogue Building Peace through Heritage 2020 Board Members of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco”, edited by Corinna Del Bianco and Aurora Savelli with Simone Giometti, ISBN 978-88-943894-9-4 • the volume containing the proceedings of the event, entitled Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium Building Peace Through Heritage - World Forum To Change Through Dialogue, Florence, 13-15 March 2020, edited by Corinna Del Bianco and Aurora Savelli with Simone Giometti, ISBN 978-88-943894-8-7
 Some of the texts contained in this volume were written in preparation for the event and thus they were only designed to be presented at the plenary session, while others were written after the pandemic took hold. The publications are available to members of the Movement in the download section of the website.