Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 384

PROCEEDINGS | Scientific Symposium 05. Al-Rasheed, M., 2005, Introduction: localizing the transnational and transnationalizing the local. In: Transnational connections and the Arabian Gulf, edited by M. Al-Rasheed. London, Routledge. pp.1-18. 06. Anderson, E., 2004, The cosmopolitan canopy. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 393, 14-31. 07. Askins, K., and Pain, R., 2011, Contact zones: participation, materiality, and the messiness of interaction. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 29 (5), 803-821. 08. Bel-Air F. D., 2015, Demography, migration, and the labour Market in Bahrain. Gulf Labour Markets and Migration, GLMM - EN - No. 6/2015. Cambridge, Gulf Research Center. 09. Bynon, R. and Rishbeth, C., 2015, Benches for everyone: solitude in public, sociability for free. London, The Young Foundation. 10. Cattell, V., Dines, N., Gesler, W., and Curtis, S., 2008, Mingling, observing, and lingering: Everyday public spaces and their implications for well-being and social relations. Health & place, 14(3), 544-561. 11. Gardner, A., 2010, City of strangers: Gulf migration and the Indian community in Bahrain. London, Cornell University Press 12. Gardner, A., 2011, Gulf migration and the family. Journal of Arabian Studies 1(1), 3-25. 13. Gilroy, P., 2004. After empire: melancholia or convivial culture? London, Routledge. 14. Grahn, P. and Stigsdotter, U.K., 2010. The relation between perceived sensory dimensions of urban green space and stress restoration. Landscape and Urban Planning, 94, 264-275. 15. Holton, M. and Riley, M., 2014, Talking on the move: place-based interviewing with undergraduate students. Area (46)1, 59–65. 16. Hou, J., (2013). Your place and/or my place. In: Transcultural cities: border-crossing and placemaking, edited by J. Hou. New York, Routledge. pp.1-16 17. Ingold, T., 2012, Introduction. In: Imagining landscape: past, present and future, edited by M. Janowski and T. Ingold. Farnham, Ashgate Publishing Company. pp.1-18. 18. Jones, p.,Bunce, G., Evans, J.,Gibbs, N. and Hein, J.R., 2008, Exloring space and place with walking interview. Jornal of research and practice, 4(2). Article D2. 19. Kaplan, S., 1995, The restorative Benefits of nature: towards an integerative framework. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 15, 169-182. 20. Kusenbach, M., 2003, Street phenomenology: the go-along as ethnographic research tool. Ethnography, 4 (3), 455–485. 21. Neal, S. and Vincent, C., 2013, Multiculture, middle class competencies and friendship practices in super-diverse geographies. Social & Cultural Geography, 14(8), 909-929. 22. Neal, S., Bennett, K., Cochrane, A. and Mohan, G., 2013, Living multiculture: understanding the new spatial and social relations of ethnicity and multiculture in England. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31(2), 308-323. 23. Neal, S., Bennett, K., Jones, H., Cochrane, A. and Mohan, G., 2015, Multiculture and public parks: researching super-diversity and attachment in public green space. Population, Space and Place, 21(5), 463-475. 24. Neal, S., Vincent, C. and Iqbal, H., 2016, Extended encounters in primary school worlds: shared social resource, connective spaces and sustained conviviality in socially and ethnically complex urban geographies. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 37(5), 464-480. 25. Pink, S., 2008. An urban tour, the sensory sociality of ethnographic place-making. Ethnography, 9(2), 175–196. 26. Rishbeth, C., Ganji, F. and Vodicka, G., 2017, Ethnographic understandings of ethnically diverse neighbourhoods to inform urban design practice, Local Environment, 9 (3), 36-53. 27. Sandercock, L., (2003b). Out of the closet: the Importance of stories and storytelling in planning practice. Planning Theory & Practice, 4 (1), 11-28. 28. Sassen, S., 2005, The global city: Introducing a concept. The brown journal of world affairs, XI (2), 7-43. 29. Steiner, c., 2010, From heritage to hyper-reality? Tourism destination development in the Middle East between Petra and the Palm. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 8 (4), 240-253. 382