PROBIZ International - Vol-1 Probiz File final | Page 41
3. Sending voicemails
that go on and on
and on
At the end of a
voice message, replay
it and hear how you
sound. Difficulty in
getting to the point?
Just like giving a
speech state your
objective or main
message first and
follow it with brief,
supporting sub-
points. Some people
prefer voicemail,
some email each
workplace has its own
4. Acting like a
Do you drag out
turnaround times
and play control
games? Do you
create obstacles or
barriers for others
to do their work?
Making mountains
out of molehills is
another surefire
way to alienate
people. Teach people
how to navigate
your organization
efficiently, knowing
when to stick with
the rules and when to
break them.
engage, you will
make important
contributions while
you show you are
a committed team
6. “I’m like, ya
You are your words
even more so in
virtual relationships.
You may be
communicating with
people worldwide
who know you only
by the sound of your
voice or the tone of
your emails. Become
conscious of how you
use language and
stop communicating
in ways that cause
you to sound
inexperienced or
unprofessional. Ask
those you trust and
respect for feedback.
7. Doing your bills
at the office
Whether you are
paying your bills, plan-
ning your wedding,
or placing an online
order for a special
gift, avoid doing them
on office time. Peo-
ple understand short
personal calls and
respect emergencies,
but they don’t appre-
ciate seeing you get
paid to manage your
8. Skirting around
the dress code
Ask ten companies
to define business
casual and you
have ten different
definitions. Dressing
for work has
never been more
complicated especially
if you work at multiple
locations. Prioritize
matching your
customer’s dress
code and if visiting
more than one on
a given day and the
codes conflict, go for
a classic, neutral look
and be prepared to
flex adding or losing a
jacket or tie between
9. Taking it too easy
on telecommute days
Run a few
errands and throw
in a load of laundry?
Hey, you’re a hard
worker and deserve
work-life balance.
Telecommuting can be
a tremendous win-win
but if you stretch it
to its limits, you may
blow the policy for
yourself and others.
Meet your deadlines,
be readily available
during business
hours, and do
great work skip the
temptation to make
it appear like you are
working but you’re
really not.
10. Acting
Make sure you
are clear on your
organization’s ethics
policies and have
the courage and
conviction to uphold
them. It’s easy to
draw the line on major
violations but watch
for the subtle ways
you may be pulling
others in the wrong
direction to achieve
goals massaging
numbers or data,
violating copyright, or
providing misleading
information. Raise
the ethics bar high
and hold yourself and
others to it.
5. Reading the
newspaper or
hammer on your
laptop during
training sessions or
Yes, there are way
too many meetings
and you’ve got more
important thi ngs
to do. Yet doing
non-relevant tasks
when there is a set
agenda sends a clear
message that this
event or these people
are unimportant to
you. Instead, be fully
focused chances
are if you completely
August 2018