Probiotics & Cannabis Magazine June/July 2015 | Page 8

Hezekiah Allen, Chair & Executive Director Emerald Growers Association Hezekiah was born and raised in Humboldt County and studied Politics and Government at Pacific University. He returned to the North Coast to work as a consultant helping local residents increase water storage, implement conservation irrigation practices, and assisting local organizations with fundraising and strategic planning. In 2010 he was hired as the Executive Director of the Mattole Restoration Council. While with the MRC Allen was one of the first community leaders to call attention to the increasingly severe environmental impacts associated with illegal and unregulated marijuana cultivation. In 2013 he stepped down as ED of the MRC to work as a public affairs consultant. In this capacity one of his main areas of focus has been advancing regulation to help stem the tide of environmental and violent crimes associated with cultivation. He has presented at dozens of best management workshops, helped to author the widely distributed Best Management Practices guide, and has done on-site consultation with dozens of farmers throughout the region and the state. All his life he has been a fierce guardian of and advocate for the heritage of small scale farms and sustainable cannabis cultivation in CA. He has a deep understanding of the impacts prohibition has had on families, communities, and patients throughout the state. It is Allen's underlying belief that --just as cannabis can heal people--the cannabis advocacy community can heal politics through a collaborative and inclusive approach, cannab is businesses can heal our economy through decentralization and opportunity for all, and cannabis farms can heal the natural treasures of the state by integrating best management practices and a stewardship ethic on to the farm. provisions that would locate cannabis farmers in the Department of Agriculture and establish tiered licensing that would protect craft and small farms, which were priorities for us in the first round of negotiations. There are a number of amendments we will offer to this bill, including altering the plant count because it is not an effective means of regulating farms. We will 8 continue to work with the author to craft workable legislation that takes a sensible route to regulation. SB 643 by Senator Mike McGuire passed out of the Senate containing the provisions for Appellations that small cannabis farmers must have in order to compete with large scale operations. SB 643 offers comprehensive regulation that we will continue to work to craft the language in ways that support and sustain the heritage of the estimated 53,000 cannabis farms in California. My name is Casey O'Neill, I am the Acting Chair of the Emerald Growers Association. I was raised and now farm in Northern Mendocino County on the parcel