PROBASHI- A Cultural News Magazine Volume 2 Issue 1 | Page 61

of b pe to o p of p tr st ar w so N ac re JJ w te ho m Probas Ernst Ruthe Francis Aston Charles T Rees Wilso Lawrence B Charles Barkla Sir Owen Richardson Edward Appleton f JJ which is ut which es ersonality a owards his utstanding t robably not s f him . A nu hysicists re raining , with tudents hel round 55 un were elected ociety and 7 obel ccomplishme epeated by an always ack was fortunate eachers wh oned youn mathematics Ernst Ruthe shi- Scie Rese erford JJ Th William JJ Th Thomson on JJ Th Bragg JJ Th Glover JJ Th Willans n JJ Th Victor JJ Th not much t ssentially def nd his com subject . He teacher , wo seen many of mber of out eceived the Thomson ‐ 7 d professor iversities glo fellows of t of his stude Laureates‐ ent that has n ny single Prof knowledged e to have ve ho recognis ng JJ ’ s s and physic erford ence Students of earch Supervisor homson homson homson homson homson homson homson alked of , fines his mmitment was an orld has the likes tstanding ir early 75 of his rship in obally , 27 the royal nts were an not been fessor . that he ry gifted ed and kills in cs . This app rep eff the res ma imp bri hum com att all for sum cha of our tha rec His inc Lawrence Bra f JJ Thomson r Nobel Prize 1908 1922 1927 1915 1917 1928 1947 proach JJ as peat for his s ect . Thomson e progress searchers in C ake sug provement . J lliant man w manness an mbination h racted the b over the w rmer student mmed it up w aracteristic sm us felt a cert rselves on h at every cognises as so s Nobel L clude Rutherf agg Ch JJ Th who receive Research re Investigation chemistry of Mass spect number rule Cloud Cham particles visi X Ray Crysta Characterist Discovery of phenomeno Discovery of s a teacher tudents with n would daily of the Cavendish and ggestions JJ was of co hich combine d patience ard to bea best student world . One t Prof John Z well “ We all l mile , and eve tain pleasure hearing a fo Cavendish olely J . J ’ s ” Laureate st ford , Aston , W harles Barkla homson An ed the Nobel cognised by the ns into the disin f radioactive sub trograph , isotop e mber‐ made t ible by condensa allography tic Röntgen radia f the Richarson n f the so‐called Ap would telling y check young d often for ourse a ed with was a t , and s from of his Zeeman love his ery one within ootstep man tudents Wilson , Brag Appl them brick Inter Thom Nob Geor John prob such Francis A C nd His Nob Prize e Nobel Committ ntegration of the bstances pes , enunciati the paths of e ation of vapour ation of the elem n Law which ex ppleton layer in gg , Barkla , leton ‐ a gr mselves laid t ks of p restingly JJ mson also w el Prize in rge ’ s thesis s n Strutt and bably that the h a successful Aston CTR Wilson el Prize Fac tee e elements , and ion of the wh electrically char ments xplains thermio upper atmosphe Richardson , oup who am the most imp particle p J ’ s son G went on to Physics . Ho supervisor wa not his fathe ere has neve and sustaine Edward Applet OW Richar ctory the olerged onic ere , and mongst portant physics . George win a owever as Prof er . It is r been ed ton rdson

of b pe to o p of p tr st ar w so N ac re JJ w te ho m Probas Ernst Ruthe Francis Aston Charles T Rees Wilso Lawrence B Charles Barkla Sir Owen Richardson Edward Appleton f JJ which is ut which es ersonality a owards his utstanding t robably not s f him . A nu hysicists re raining , with tudents hel round 55 un were elected ociety and 7 obel ccomplishme epeated by an always ack was fortunate eachers wh oned youn mathematics Ernst Ruthe shi- Scie Rese erford JJ Th William JJ Th Thomson on JJ Th Bragg JJ Th Glover JJ Th Willans n JJ Th Victor JJ Th not much t ssentially def nd his com subject . He teacher , wo seen many of mber of out eceived the Thomson ‐ 7 d professor iversities glo fellows of t of his stude Laureates‐ ent that has n ny single Prof knowledged e to have ve ho recognis ng JJ ’ s s and physic erford ence Students of earch Supervisor homson homson homson homson homson homson homson alked of , fines his mmitment was an orld has the likes tstanding ir early 75 of his rship in obally , 27 the royal nts were an not been fessor . that he ry gifted ed and kills in cs . This app rep eff the res ma imp bri hum com att all for sum cha of our tha rec His inc Lawrence Bra f JJ Thomson r Nobel Prize 1908 1922 1927 1915 1917 1928 1947 proach JJ as peat for his s ect . Thomson e progress searchers in C ake sug provement . J lliant man w manness an mbination h racted the b over the w rmer student mmed it up w aracteristic sm us felt a cert rselves on h at every cognises as so s Nobel L clude Rutherf agg Ch JJ Th who receive Research re Investigation chemistry of Mass spect number rule Cloud Cham particles visi X Ray Crysta Characterist Discovery of phenomeno Discovery of s a teacher tudents with n would daily of the Cavendish and ggestions JJ was of co hich combine d patience ard to bea best student world . One t Prof John Z well “ We all l mile , and eve tain pleasure hearing a fo Cavendish olely J . J ’ s ” Laureate st ford , Aston , W harles Barkla homson An ed the Nobel cognised by the ns into the disin f radioactive sub trograph , isotop e mber‐ made t ible by condensa allography tic Röntgen radia f the Richarson n f the so‐called Ap would telling y check young d often for ourse a ed with was a t , and s from of his Zeeman love his ery one within ootstep man tudents Wilson , Brag Appl them brick Inter Thom Nob Geor John prob such Francis A C nd His Nob Prize e Nobel Committ ntegration of the bstances pes , enunciati the paths of e ation of vapour ation of the elem n Law which ex ppleton layer in gg , Barkla , leton ‐ a gr mselves laid t ks of p restingly JJ mson also w el Prize in rge ’ s thesis s n Strutt and bably that the h a successful Aston CTR Wilson el Prize Fac tee e elements , and ion of the wh electrically char ments xplains thermio upper atmosphe Richardson , oup who am the most imp particle p J ’ s son G went on to Physics . Ho supervisor wa not his fathe ere has neve and sustaine Edward Applet OW Richar ctory the olerged onic ere , and mongst portant physics . George win a owever as Prof er . It is r been ed ton rdson