PROBASHI- A Cultural News Magazine Volume 2 Issue 1 | Page 53

Probashi- City

Probashi- City

Baolis of Delhi- Wells Well Dug
Rajon Ki Baoli is a famous step well near Adham Khan ’ s Tomb in Mehrauli Archaeological Park . Delhi . This magnificent threeyear old storied step well is believed to have been built by Daulat
Khan during the reign of Sikandar Lodi in 1506 . This 500 structure retains its elegance and charm . However as a well it is no longer functional and is known as the Sukhi Baoli ( Dried Well ). In her book Delhi : A Thousand Years of Building , Lucy Peck calls it “ the prettiest baoli in Delhi ”.
Hindu Rao Baoli provided the much needed water for the British soldierss garrisoned on the ridge during the mutiny of 1857 . Prior to that the Baoli had seen some colourful times earning it the sobriquet of Fraser ’ s romantic Baoli. William Fraser a Scotsman and a Persian scholar arrived in Delhi from Calcutta in 1805 as the assistant to the British Resident David Ochterloney . After nearly 30 years in Delhi , Fraserr became the British resident in the court of Shahh Alam II . He acquired an existing bungalow on the Delhi ridge for his residence , which premises included the Firoz Shah ’ s Baoli . The Hindu Rao Hospital occupies these premises at present . The Baoli was favourite cooling resort of Fraserr during the summer months . Fraser had a huge harem with a large retinue of local mistresses . It is believed that the women especially his favourite Ambiban kept Fraser good company as he beat the oppressive Delhi heat in the cool climes of the Baoli .
The impressive performance of the Tughlaqs in constructing Baowlis was matched and even surpassed by the Lodis . The Lodi Baolis are found near R . K . Puram , Kotla Mubarakpur ,
Remaining portions of the Mihr banu ’ s baoli in East nizamuddin from the Mughal perioid . Mihr Banu was Mihr Banu was the chief eunuch of Jehangir court . A market in Mihr ’ s name was operational till early 20 century , till Col Young for some unknown reason decided to shift this market and shifted the residents to as place nearby which was named Youngpura ( now Jungpura ). This Baoli is not in the INTACH listing of Delhi monuments .