Pro Stringer Issue 5 - 2017 PS5-2017 - web | Page 22
Clean and Fast
To string quickly like a top tour stringer, make sure your machine is clean and lubricated. I teach
all the stringers practicing for the Pro Tour Stringer certifi cation to clean the machine just before
taking their test. This can shave a couple of minutes off of each racket if the base or clamps are
Shared Holes
With the number of rackets with shared holes
today, we see many coming in with crossovers.
Sometimes the string wants to go on the wrong
side when tensioning the fi rst string in the hole
and you have 1 up and 1 down. When this hap-
pens it is very easy just to slide an awl in the
hole before tensioning to keep it on the correct
side of the double grommet.
Save Your Back
We have four stringers in our shops and often one of them has back pain. In summer we have so
many rackets we all have to string everyday. Make sure you adjust the machine height for each
stringer so they are standing straight with their back when stringing. If the machine is too low you
will bend forward and put pressure on your lower back. Wilson Baiardo has a built in memory for
each stringer so it is the easiest machine to adjust when many stringers use the same machine.
How to Get the Ping the Same
Many members ask ask why the 2 middle strings
do not have the same sound when plucked and
how do you adjust for this. I pull the 2 middle
strings and clamp the right sidestring. Next, I pull
the left side middle string 2 times, once at normal
tension and once and +4 kilos. I fi nd this works
close for most strings. Everything changes a little
with diff erent gauge, ma-
terials and construction,
so there is no perfect
way to do it.