Pro Stringer Issue 3 - 2017 rt 3 2017 | Page 26

26 Tips Weaving Techniques The hardest part of stringing is the weaving of the cross strings. This is also where most of the mistakes are made with beginners. Everyone has to find their own style and decide which techniique they want to use. There are four main ways to weave with many variations. These are pushing, pulling, flicking and Japanese or what I call the Sewing Machine weaving. The way I learned in the USA was to push. This is the easiest methode with nylon and natural gut strings for most stringers. With all the polyester strings today, it is difficult for beginners to do. You take 1 hand under and 1 hand over the strings and push away from your body. In Europe most of the active stringers started with polys and learned it was easier to pull a loop towards your body. We teach total beginners this method first. You use your fingertips above and below the stringbed. There are many variations of this method. The fastest stringers use 2 fingers on each hand. I have seen a lot of Asian stringers flicking the tail of the string up and down stringiing polys. I think they started with badminton pushing and found this too hard with thicker strings. The fourth method is the Japanese style that takes a small loop and passes it from one hand to the other. As there are more movements it is very difficult to string quickly with this method. The advantage is that you need little strength and do not get sore fingers like you do pushing polys all day. I will place videos on the website of these techniques to look at regular speed and in slow motion. If you only string tennis I would recommend to most beginners pulling the loop. Badminton is much easier pushing the strings. Some Japanese push badminton strings and use the Japanese method for tennis. Remember, your biggest enemy is friction. Make sure you weave where their is little fric- tion, best diagonally in the middle of the unstrung stringbed.