6 | SEPTEMBER 2019
Installer News is
sponsored by FENSA
Long-standing VEKA UK Group customer
and Independent Network member Norscot is
celebrating the company’s 35th anniversary,
and shows no signs of slowing down.
1984 saw Ghost-
Andy Glass Windows is one of Ox-
fordshire’s most experienced home im-
provements experts. Founded in 1991, the
team have built up a stellar reputation over
the past two decades for the quality of both
their products and customer service.
As part of the Endurance Preferred
Installer Network, Andy Glass Windows reg-
ularly receives homeowner leads generated
by the innovative HomeView Door Designer
hosted at endurancedoors.co.uk.
Andy Glass also hosts its own branded
version of the Endurance Door Designer
and is very active on social media, regularly
entering and winning Endurance’s Door of
the Week competition. As regular winners of
this initiative, the team have benefitted from
several rounds of paid-for Facebook Adver-
tising with all costs covered by Endurance;
another great way to increase their sales at
no extra cost.
Endurance took the time to speak to An-
drew, Director of Andy Glass Windows, to
find out what being an Endurance installer
meant to his business.
How Long Have You Been an
Endurance Customer?
What Is Your Most Popular
Endurance Product?
“Definitely the Etna. I think its quite a
safe door style, so it interests a lot of people
and goes with a lot more properties.”
Would You Recommend Other
Installers to Join the Endurance
Preferred Installer Network?
“I definitely would, yes. We get a lot of
leads through Endurance. The aftersales is
also very good. If we need any other parts
like locks or handles, Endurance are really
on the ball with things.”
What Makes Endurance
Different to Other Composite
What Attracted You to the
Endurance Product Range? “It’s got a lot to do with the aftersales and
the marketing most definitely. I really like
the online pricing tool and the ordering sys-
tem. Both are really good. Within a minute
or so we can price up a door for someone
at the showroom, it’s great – we really like
“We like to offer the timber core. We were
using another supplier before but had nu-
merous problems. So, we decided to come
to Endurance and are thrilled that we did.” To become an Endurance Preferred
Installer, please call 01652 659259 or
email [email protected].
“We’ve been an Endurance customer for
about ten years now I’d say.”
busters hit the big screen,
the average UK house price
hit £37,182, and newly
founded Norscot hit the
home improvement scene
in Caithness; quickly estab-
lishing its reputation as a
reliable supplier and install-
er of high quality windows
and doors.
Since then, the fami-
ly-owned company has
continued to grow from
strength to strength and is
now a significant employ-
er for the region with
more than 60 staff, a near
£5 million turnover and
thousands of customers
throughout the UK and
overseas. Along with high
quality PVCu window and
door systems from VEKA
UK Group, the company is
also a leading manufacturer
of timber frame kit homes,
timber windows and doors
and ‘Aluwood’ alumini-
um-clad timber windows
and doors
Norscot has been a VEKA
customer for 31 years and
is a proud member of
Independent Network. This
means the company has
undergone rigorous vetting
to prove it meets the high
standards of the organi-
sation in order to offer its
ten year insurance-backed
guarantee on installations.
As an Independent Net-
work Fabricator, Norscot is
also authorised to supply
other IN installers thereby
maintaining the ‘unbroken
chain of quality’ that the
Network is known for.
35 years in business is
a milestone that Manag-
ing Director Callum Grant
recognises could not have
been achieved without the
commitment of Norscot’s
employees, suppliers and
customers both past and
present: “We have to say a
huge thank you to everyone
that has supported us over
the years. Particularly our
hard working staff, some
of whom have been with
Norscot 30 years or more.
Callum says: “VEKA UK
Group has played a signif-
icant part in Norscot’s suc-
cessful growth, as the cali-
bre of these PVCu systems
has helped further reinforce
our reputation for quality
and attention to detail.
“We’ve evolved from a
traditional joinery compa-
ny, to one that can provide
products such as intelligent
windows and doors con-
trolled by your smartphone
and we’re working with the
University of Strathclyde on
virtual reality (VR) opportu-
nities, as well as partnering
with Northumbria University
to develop intelligent “smart
homes”. These ‘future proof’
properties are designed and
equipped in such a way
that older and less mobile
people are able to remain in
their own homes for longer,
a concept backed by NHS
Scotland and social servic-