SEPTEMBER 2019 | 25
Installer Support
Installer Support is
sponsored by Kayflow
Standards and regulations are a
fundamental part of our daily lives.
They provide organisations, employees
and the general public with an
understanding of what is acceptable
and can help facilitate everything
from introducing new technologies to
ensuring that components supplied
from different manufacturers are
mutually compatible worldwide.
Here, Nick Cowley, manag-
ing director of PVCu windows
and doors manufacturer Euramax,
explains more about fenestration
industry standards; and the impor-
tant role they play both during
and after installation, as well as
providing contractors and install-
ers with safety expectations…
Installer regulations
In April 2002, the UK govern-
ment authorised the creation of
the Fenestration Self-Assessment
Scheme (FENSA), which monitors
building regulation compliance
and aims to improve window
and door replacement standards
across the UK.
The FENSA certificate is vital
when selling a home. It offers
homeowners proof that the
window and door installation is
complaint with industry standards,
is energy efficient and registered
with the local council. In fact,
since it was founded, over 13 mil-
lion certificates have been issued,
meaning that 50 per cent of all
UK homes are covered by FENSA
However, this also means that
50 per cent are not, but this
doesn’t mean safety goes out the
metaphorical window. Homeown-
ers can apply for approval from
the relevant Building Control
Body, which will check the
replacement windows and doors
and issue a compliance certifi-
British Standards
Windows and doors can be
subject to different standards
depending on their characteristics
and the materials they’re made of.
For instance, BS EN 12608:2003
provides the standards for PVCu
windows and doors, while BS
8529:210 specifies the standards
for composite doors.
Furthermore, the hardware
used on fenestration, from levers
and handles to locking assem-
blies, is subject to relevant British
Standards. Therefore, selecting a
supplier that can provide products
to these industry requirements is
vital for specifiers, contractors and
installers alike.
The British Standards Institution
(BSI), appointed by the UK Gov-
ernment as the National Standards
Body, is responsible for improving
the quality and safety of products
using the British Standards. Man-
ufacturers and service providers
that meet these standards can
receive a BSI Kitemark, which
provides an easily recognisable
indication of quality and safety
BSI claims that “an independ-
ent survey of 1,000 UK adults in
March 2015 showed that almost
two-thirds of consumers believe
the Kitemark is an indication of
quality and associate it with prod-
ucts that are tried and tested.”
Energy conservation
However, it is not just safety
that is regulated across the fenes-
tration industry through standards
and regulations. With the UK Gov-
ernment looking to reduce green-
house emissions by 80 per cent
by 2050, and over 40 per cent of
carbon emissions stemming from
homes or non-domestic buildings,
a building’s energy efficiency must
be improved from top to bottom.
Despite new dwellings being
optimised for energy efficiency,
whether it’s by using triple glaz-
ing, cavity wall and loft insulation
or even solar power, the need for
adequate ventilation for properties
is paramount.
As a result, the Non-Domestic
Building Services Compliance
Guide, which provides compliance
standards for the installation of
building services in new and ex-
isting non-domestic buildings, was
amended to provide improved
standards across ventilation (Part
F) and conservation of fuel and
power (Part L). As a result, many
PVCu windows now include
an enhanced trickle ventilation
system that allows fresh air to
circulate, even when the window
is closed, meaning that even the
most efficient products still pro-
vide fresh air year-round.
Founded in 1997, the British
Fenestration Rating Council (BFRC)
is the UK’s leading rating council
for verifying energy performance
of windows and doors. The grading
system provides assurance that
the product in question has been
independently verified by building
physics experts and offers installers
and homeowners the evidence to
select the best product for their
The BFRC ratings calculate a
score that considers the size of the
product, building occupancy and
climate conditions. Products with
an energy rating of zero or higher
are energy positive and are ac-
credited with A to A++ ratings, de-
pending on the final score. When
selecting a supplier that you can
trust to provide energy efficient
products, it is vital to look into the
BFRC rating of the products they
Further regulations are also
in effect regarding the use of
safety glazing in glazed doors, the
resistance from fire and ensur-
ing a means of escape, which is
particularly important for building
extensions or existing dwelling
Building strong relationships
with reliable suppliers will always
provide you, and your customer,
with the reassurance, efficien-
cy and safety everyone desires.
So, whether you’re a specifier,
independent contractor or home
renovator, choose a supplier that
knows their standards inside out.