2 | SEPTEMBER 2019
Installer News is
sponsored by FENSA
Increase in Freefoam registered installers
Story continued from the front page
Freefoam is delighted to report a significant increase in
recent months in the number of new Registered Installers, with
companies from throughout the UK applying to join the scheme.
Following a programme of
promotion activity across various
media, enquiries have increased
and more home improvement
companies are realising the
benefits of supplying and fitting
Freefoam products.
Roofline falls into the remit of
a range of businesses, from win-
dow and door installers, roofers,
roofline specialists and more
general building professionals. To
Redfern stated “Affected
construction services are very
similar to those which come
under the Construction Industry
Scheme (CIS), with professions
such as surveying and architec-
ture remaining out of scope for
the reverse charge. In terms of
charging, the main difference is
that, unlike the CIS, materials are
also included within the reverse
VAT charge. However, this reverse
charge won’t apply to zero-rated
services nor if the customer is
not registered for VAT. While the
VAT responsibility will shift to the
customer, the good news is that
this will not impact on the VAT
registration threshold so smaller
businesses needn’t worry that
these changes will push them
within the scope of VAT registra-
Prior to the introduction of the
charge, businesses within the
construction industry are being
urged to prepare. Providers of
construction services and supplies
will be required to check wheth-
er a customer is VAT-registered
and whether they will be an “end
user”. Redfern stated “Before
October, construction based
businesses need to check whether
they are going to be impacted
by the reverse VAT charge. If so,
accounting software and systems
will need to be updated to ensure
that they are compliant. Smaller
businesses in particular may find
that their cashflow is affected
by this change, so precautionary
measures need to be taken and
staff need to be familiar with
what is going to happen. HMRC
has said that it intends to take a
“light touch” towards errors made
within the first six months of the
charge being introduced as long
as suppliers have made the errors
in good faith and have attempted
to comply - however, errors are
far easier to rectify if they are
spotted and picked up sooner
rather than later”. He added that
some suppliers might find it
useful to move to monthly returns
rather than quarterly once the re-
verse VAT charge is introduced.
About DSR Tax Claims Ltd
DSR Tax Claims Ltd (company
registration 11459292) is a firm of
tax rebate specialists serving cli-
ents nationwide. DSR Tax Claims
is a tax preparation expert who
specialise in identifying poten-
tial allowable expenses for tax
rebates for clients. The specialist
team can help employed and
self-employed subcontractors with
all relevant paperwork to ensure
their claim is handled in an accu-
rate and efficient manner.
this end the Freefoam Registered
Installer scheme is open to any
business, allowing companies
to integrate roofline into their
offering, backed by a profession-
al package and manufacturer
Colin St John commented “The
Freefoam Registered Install-
er scheme makes roofline an
accessible range for all home
improvement professionals. We
provide the materials and back
up support to help all companies
develop their business, their suc-
cess is our success. Having brand
loyal, committed fitting compa-
nies buying from our customers
also underlines our support for
the whole supply chain.”
The Freefoam Registered
Installer programme has been
established for many years and is
part of Freefoam’s strategy to sup-
port all parts of the supply chain.
The scheme provides a complete
package of benefits and support.
High quality marketing materials,
developed with consumers in
mind, to promote the complete
roofline range, including colour
options and genuine testimonials.
Industry leading guarantees, from
an impressive 50 years on white
fascia, soffit and guttering and a
10-year guarantee on the colour
range, all backed by extensive
testing. And finally, free pre-qual-
ified leads generated through
consumer focussed websites.
Roofline, cladding and rainwater systems
specialists Swish Building Products is close to achiev-
ing 100% On Time, In Full [OTIF] status for deliv-
ery of its white Cellular PVC products – a position
thought to be way out in front of its industry peers.
According to a Swish spokesperson, while parts
of the market are struggling to meet order commit-
ments, Swish is making customer service its top
priority, ensuring product is on the shelf and ready
for dispatch precisely when it’s needed.
For its wider product range, Swish says its OTIF
figure is in the high 90’s and on target to meet the
demanding position it set for the Company for 2019.
Issue 78 | September 2019
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