Pro Installer September 2019 - Issue 78 | Page 10

10 | SEPTEMBER 2019 News Installer News is sponsored by FENSA SHORT OF TIME FOR LEARNING AND NETWORKING? HERE’S SEVEN REASONS TO MAKE SOME TIME… We all know we need to get out more. How else will we meet new people, learn new things, find new ideas and discover new products? Yet the pressure on our time is unrelenting. It can be difficult to justify time out of the office with all those deadlines looming and emails piling up. Construction Innovation Hub, Sa- rah Beale, chief executive of CITB and Sonia Zahiroddiny, BIM Strate- gy Manager for HS2. The UKCW main stage is the place to head to. It offers a programme of keynote talks and panel discussions on many of the big issues of the day around Government policy, digital innovation, MMC, sustainability, diversity, housebuilding, produc- tivity and skills. The internet provides part of the answer, of course. But the smartest solution for busy con- struction professionals is also about choosing days out that can be crammed with as much value as possible. By taking advantage of UK Construction Week (UKCW) you can tick off all the above at one event. If you’re not yet registered to at- tend the UK’s largest construction event, here are seven things that ought to convince you to pop over to the NEC on 8-10 October. There are ‘ mini-theatres covering regeneration, MMC, digital construction, energy and HVAC, surfaces and materials, timber and the workplace 1. Products, products everywhere New products are always being developed to meet different and emerging needs. Staying up to date with all the latest technol- ogy is essential to find the right product for the job. So, if you need to source a new heat pump, find a new sustainable material, discover new roofing products or even new BIM software, then look no further than UKCW. With over 10,000 products being showcased at the event, it makes it the ideal marketplace to source your new product. With eight different sections ranging from build to timber and from surfaces to civils everything you need is right there under one roof. 2. That lucky encounter Year after year, visitors at UK Construction Week say they won new work as a result of a planned meeting or a chance encounter at the show. People do business with people – and with 35,000 visitors set to attend UKCW, that is a lot of potential leads. Meeting face to face is the most engaging way to do business and UKCW can fa- cilitate that. If you have spotted a business that you want to connect with contact them through the exhibitors’ portal and arrange the meeting in advance. 4,000 busi- ness meetings were booked by UKCW visitors prior to the show last year, and exhibitors reported that they had generated 70,000 new business leads at the event. To help with meetings, there’s a new business and networking lounge with free WIFI. 3. Genuine innovation, not another widget You could leave the future of the industry as a surprise. But where’s the business sense in that? Disruptors are now present in many different markets, so this year UKCW is shining a spotlight on the serious change-makers in construction. To aid the search, a new Innovation Zone has been established in partnership with the Construction Innovation Hub (the Hub). ’ Another new addition for this year is the Innovation Station in partnership with On the Tools. This is a demonstration area specifically for power tools, with all the latest biscuit jointers and heavy-duty bench grinders from top trade brands in action. Visitors can pick up tips from the experts on how to get the most from their range, try out the latest products, and cut a deal with the manu- facturers as show discounts will apply. 4. Your own personal industry MBA Condense your strategic busi- ness learning into one, two or three days of insights. UKCW brings together more than 300 expert speakers including Mark Farmer who is spearheading policy initiatives on MMC, Pro- fessor Birgitte Andersen of the Big Innovation Centre, Chandru Dissanayeke, director of building safety reforms at MHCLG, Keith Waller, programme director at the And if that’s all a bit too high level, get stuck into the details at a wide range of workshops. This year there will be more than 150 hours of CPD content available. The programme will take on a different theme for each day of the show, tackling fire safety, health and wellbeing and sustainability. There are mini-theatres cover- ing regeneration, MMC, digital construction, energy and HVAC, surfaces and materials, timber and the workplace. There’s a new Careers Centre offering workshops on career progression, appren- ticeships, staff retention, diversity, career change and new talent.