Pro Installer September 2018 - Issue 66 | Page 26

26 | SEPTEMBER 2018 News Read online at Avocet’s ABS packaging makeover SPORT Avocet Hardware has reacted to feedback from locksmiths around the country and introduced new, high quality, retail packaging for its ABS locks. The new packaging will be offered as an alternative to Avo- cet’s existing standard packaging, which remains a firm favourite in the first fit and mobile markets. Designed by the company’s in- house marketing team, it is aimed at making the BS3621 and TS007 3-star certified, snap secure lock more visible, while at the same time highlighting all of its bene- fits. In addition, Avocet has included a measuring guide on the pack; meaning those buying it off the shelf can do so safe in the knowl- edge they are purchasing the correctly sized lock. George Clarke, director of Stock- port-based, City Lock and Safe, said: “We’re delighted to be one of the first locksmiths in the UK to be stocking Avocet’s new ABS packaging.” Avocet’s new retail packaging is currently only available on its ABS locks but will be rolled out on its ABS padlock range later in the year. TALENTED BOXER RISES AGAIN AFTER CONQUERING DEPRESSION When Sam Best, previ- Teal helps university building achieve correct vented air requirements A building seen as a tool in Oxford University’s search for new medical discoveries is achieving the vented air requirements to maintain a healthy environment thanks to openers provided by Teal Products. Teal, one of the UK’s foremost suppliers of window controls, openers and actuators, had their Highline manual “Teleflex” sys- tem installed across 193 open- ing vents by Austrian façade manufacturer CIG Fassaden in The Big Data Institute at the University. CIG pre-installed the system on their opening vents at their manufacturing factory in Austria before shipping them to the Oxford site for installation. Teal’s larger 380mm Chain Openers were installed to achieve the vented air requirements to maintain a healthy environment. Sam Yiend, Director of Teal Products, commented: “We are delighted to have contributed to the completion of such a vital de- velopment for Oxford University. Our larger 380mm Chain Openers were perfect to achieve what was required.” The Gloucestershire-based firm has more than 80,000 items in stock, including a range of window controls, openers and actuators from leading brands including Windowmaster, Mingardi and Highline. ously undefeated light heavy- weight boxer, lost his seventh professional fight at the end of 2017, he spiralled into a depression which saw him withdraw from the professional boxing circuit. Now, following months of soul-searching, men- toring and a fight to rediscov- er his love of the sport, Sam hopes to set his native Newcas- tle alight with pride when he returns to the ring in the New Year. Sam readily attributes his return to full health to the fact that he wasn’t afraid to ask for help. With the support of his partner, Emily, and the rest of his family, Sam reached out for help to beat his depression. A glimpse into Sam’s recent life reveals the reasons behind his illness, having taken on a great deal of responsibility, both personally and profession- ally, in a short space of time. He established his own roofing business, SB Roofing, in 2016, and his partner Emily gave birth to their baby son later that same year. Sam’s business took off, gain- ing a glowing reputation, and his focus shifted from boxing to family, business and a great deal of responsibility. In his darkest times, Sam realised that asking for help was the only way to beat his depression. He approached his ex-teacher, Stephen Hill and spent valuable time with James Palmer, a life coach from New Thinking. Stephen Hill, Sam’s ex-teach- er at Walbottle Academy in Newcastle, initially encouraged Sam into boxing as a way of coping with the bullying he was experi