Pro Installer September 2018 - Issue 66 | 页面 2

2 | SEPTEMBER 2018 News Read online at Story continued from the front page practical installation demon- stration areas as well as classroom learning facilities. The aim is to upskill new and experienced installers across a whole range of product categories to help combat the skills shortage and improve standards. Finally, installers ex- pressed frustration in being able to access products and materials quickly, easily and reliably. Here too Eurocell can help. Not only does the company have 200 branches around the country supply- ing its own manufactured products, but its click and collect service is now availa- ble in all branches, with pick up available as fast as two minutes after order. Installers shopping online can simply review their personalised product catalogue and pricing, check stock at their branch real-time and then click and collect. Easy! Not all issues facing in- stallers today can be solved quite so easily, but clearly Eurocell is striving to pro- vide the support they need. To find out more, search Eurocell online. Source: Competitive Advantage August 2018 (200 installer interviews) P C HENDERSON ATTENDS ‘DIY SOS BIG REVEAL’ AFTER DONATING SLIDING DOOR HARDWARE Sliding and folding door hardware manufacturer – P C Henderson – is once again delighted to donate its Rustic 80 sliding barn door hardware to the hit BBC home renovation series ‘DIY SOS: The Big Build’. The company’s marketing team recently attended the ‘Big Reveal’ in North Shields, UK to welcome the family into their newly renovated home. Running for 18 years and attracting up to 15 million viewers per epi- sode, the award winning show - presented by Nick Knowles and his team - takes on renovation projects across the UK to help well deserving families. Relying on the support and generosity of local tradespeople and suppliers - P C Henderson was more than happy to donate its hardware to the programmes most recent project. Living in a semi-de- tached 1950s house in North Shields, Rachael and John Matthews have three children – the youngest of which, Evelyn, has a rare genetic condition called CHARGE syndrome. The condition means that Evelyn suffers from many associated medical conditions; she cannot sit unaided, is registered blind, requires 24 hour care and also has chronic kidney failure - requiring Evelyn to be hooked up to a dialysis machine over- night. The hit show stepped in to help the family rebuild their home and lives through a dramatic 9 day renovation. The renova- tion included a single story extension at the rear of the property and a garage conversion to provide a new bedroom and sepa- rate bathroom for Evelyn. The bedroom is now big enough to accommodate vital medical equipment as well as providing a safe space for an adapted bed, hoist, dialysis machine and a sensory area. The extra space also allows for storage of Evelyn’s medical supplies which were previ- ously kept in a purposeful- ly built shed in the garden, which wasn’t practical. P C Henderson’s black Rustic 80 sliding door hardware has been used in the properties hallway for access to the living room and utility room. Evelyn is unable to be left alone so the family required a down- stairs area which was more spacious and open plan - P C Henderson is hoping the sliding door mechanisms have assisted in achieving this. It is still yet to be an- nounced when the episode will air but will be publi- cised closer to the time. Issue 66 | September 2018 If you would like to find out more about the Pro Installer: Write to: Unit 2-3 Burleigh Court, Burleigh Street, Barnsley, S70 1XY Tel: 01226 321 450 Fax: 01226 730 825 Email: [email protected] All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically without the consent of Clearview Group Ltd and any of its subsidiaries. Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy, this publication does not accept liability for errors, printing or otherwise appearing in this publication. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher.