10 | SEPTEMBER 2017
Read online at www.proinstaller.co.uk
When it comes to specifying a fire door, Hallmark
says it is only too happy to share its experience and
knowledge to help people make the right choices.
Fire Doors are a crucial
element to any building,
having two important
functions in a fire: when
closed they form a barrier to
fire and smoke spread but
should also provide a suita-
ble means of escape.
a door that
has all the
It cannot be over-empha-
sised how important it is
to feel confident that your
supplier is providing you
with a door that has all the
necessary credentials and all
the accreditations governing
the manufacture of compos-
ite fire doors.
The Hallmark FD30 door
is supplied in eco frame
which is a recycled alumin-
ium powder coated profile
with a 44mm GRP thermo-
faced slab and phenolic
foam core. Glazing units
are manufactured using
Pyrobelite 7, a laminated
glass constructed with one
clear intumescent inter-
layer; the layer turns into
a rigid and opaque fire
shield at around 120ºC.
Door closers are avail-
able in an overhead or
concealed option and are
dependent on specification
requirements, both being
CE compliant.
Lorraine Snell, Hallmark’s
managing director, com-
mented: “We are extremely
dedicated to ensuring that
all our products meet - and
in some cases exceed - cur-
rent legislation.
“The composite fire door
is no exception and we are
proud to hold the Gold
CMS certificate for manu-
facturing standards, along
with full BS6375 Weather
rating and SBD, covering
our complete door range.”
Hallmark Group
Products Limited
Tel: 01482 703222
The Considerate Construc-
tors Scheme - the organisation es-
tablished to improve the image of
the construction industry - is now
international, having launched its
first registered site in Ireland.
The scheme is delighted to wel-
come its first contractor to register
projects in Ireland - family owned
John Sisk & Son - a member of the
international construction compa-
ny, SISK Group.
The first registered Irish site is
located at The Exchange, which
forms part of the International Fi-
nancial Services Centre at the heart
of Dublin’s financial district. This
project involves the construction
of a six-storey office block with a
basement car park and two retail
units at street level.
The scheme – which introduced
site registration in the UK in 1997
– has received increasing interest
from contractors with sites in Ire-
land asking to register construction
activity. All are keen to improve
the image and reputation of the
construction industry, in line with
the Scheme’s Code of Considerate
Practice, which commits those reg-
istered to care about appearance,
respect the community, protect the
environment, secure everyone’s
safety and value their workforce.
From left to right: Ken Lynch, contracts manager,
The Exchange, Sisk; Paul Hackett, MD Ireland
East, Sisk; Edward Hardy, chief executive of
the Considerate Constructors Scheme; Brian
Handcock, head of sustainability, Sisk.
Sisk led the pilot of site registra-
tion to help ensure that this model
of registration within the Irish
construction industry was appro-
priate and fully tried and tested,
before making it available to all
construction activity in Ireland.
Considerate Constructors
Scheme Chief Executive Edward
Hardy said: “The opportunity for
contractors to now register sites
in Ireland is a huge step forward
for the Considerate Constructors
Scheme. With over 18,000 mon-
itoring visits to UK-based sites,
companies, and suppliers every
year, the Scheme is highly regard-
ed across the construction indus-
try as a central part of instigating
positive long-lasting change, for
the benefit of the workforce, local
communities and the environ-
For further information, please
visit www.ccscheme.org.uk
Intelligent approach
Spectus was established in
1981 and it’s stayed at the fore-
front of the industry ever since
thanks to its intelligent, mar-
ket-facing approach.
This ‘evolution not revolution’
approach is perfectly demon-
strated in the company’s recent
product developments.
The mechanically jointed option
on its market-leading Vertical Slid-
er brings the authentic aesthetics
to a new level, opening up new
market opportunities. The 36mm
triple glazing bead increases the
options for triple glazing. The
85mm outerframe makes door and
window installations much quick-
er and easier. The Flush Casement
system now has a mechanically
jointed outer frame option and
there’s a French flush casement
option too. The demand for flush
windows is met in the Flush Case-
ment and the Flush Tilt & Turn.
And the range of ancillaries is one
of the largest on the market to en-
able installers to offer perfection
every time.