Extended colour range launched
The VEKA UK Group
continues to enhance
its offering with the unveiling of Variations; a
new extended range of
coloured foils for both
VEKA and Halo customers, along with a simplified ordering policy.
On going product development is at the heart of
The VEKA UK Group and
the new foils offering is
the latest in a long line of
enhancements to the ranges.
The new coloured foils
range has been developed
after listening to customer
feedback and the result is
a much broader range of
colours, available in smaller
pack sizes, with a clear and
simple ordering
“The main thing to highlight about The VEKA UK
Group’s new foils policy is
the wider choice of colour
and woodgrain options,
along with the simplicity of
ordering,” says Colin
Torley, Sales
‘wider choice
of colour and
along with
the simplicity
of ordering’
‘You Can
Do It with
From this month, the British Plastics Federation (BPF) offices in
central London will house an exhibition of iconic plastics objects
curated by the Museum of Design in Plastics (MoDiP).
Every 6 months a new
theme will be introduced and the objects
changed to reflect it.
The first theme is ‘You
can do it with plastics’ and
demonstrates the incredible
versatility of plastics under the
headings: buoyancy, flexibility,
recycling, enablement, colour,
sustainability, living hinges
and insulation.
Professor Susan Lambert,
Head of the MoDiP, said:
“Plastics are capable of greater transformation than any
other materials group. In this
exhibition we wish to explore
their design freedom and beneficial impact on society.”
The showcases will have
items taken from the
MoDiP’s collection such as
an electric hot water bottle
made by R. A. Rothermel
(circa 1945). This object is
an example of plastics as a
great insulation material.
Illustrating sustainability,
is the Team GB replica kit
swimming trunks designed
by Stella McCartney for Adidas, 2012, that contain 80%
recycled Nylon. Plastics can
be recycled into new products saving on raw materials
and diminishing the need
for landfill.
‘demonstrates the incredible
versatility of plastics under
the headings: buoyancy,
flexibility, recycling, enablement,
colour, sustainability, living
hinges and insulation’
Marketing Director. “We
hope that the vast range of
coloured and woodgrain
options available, coupled
with clear delivery information, will encourage our
customers to offer coloured
foils more frequently.”
In addition to this, VEKA
and Halo foiled profile is
now available to order in
vastly smaller quantities, just one pack, regardless of the colour
or system.
To request a FREE
swatch, contact
Group today, call
01282 716611 or
email salesenquiry@
A Return To Growth
The latest “Owner Managed
Business Barometer” research
report from Bank of Cyprus UK
has found increasing levels of
optimism amongst Owner Managed
Businesses (OMBs) about their
medium term growth prospects.
The research, which
questioned over 500
business decision
makers with ownership
or part ownership of
a business with fewer
than 50 employees,
revealed that nearly
two fifths of respondents (38%) expect to
see a growth in sales/
revenue over the next
three months, compared to a third (31%)
of businesses surveyed
in Q1. Nearly half of
all respondents (49%)
expected to see growth
over the next year.
The survey also asked
businesses how they had
managed to survive the
recession so far. The majority
of respondents (53%) indicated that looking after their
existing customers has been
a key tactic in their survival,
with one fifth (18%) revealing they had changed their
business focus in order to
remain competitive.
The research also reveals
that whilst a lack of confidence in the economy continues to be the main barrier
to growth for nearly half of
businesses (48%), one in five
respondents (20%) perceive
no real barrier to their ability
to grow their business over
the next 12 months.
Tony Leahy, at Bank of
Cyprus UK commented: “The
fortunes of sole traders or
owner-managed busin \??\?\?HX]?[H[??Y[??Y??H?]\[??[?Z\????[X???^K??]\?????\??\?[??]H???\????\??Y\??][?[?