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Page 23
They say there ’ s no time like the present . That could not be truer for business owners who have been toying with the idea of selling up or retiring into the sunset .
If major uncertainly over the last few years , from the 2016 Referendum to Brexit , put a strain on businesses , the coronavirus pandemic will have been the ‘ final straw ’ for many business owners .
And with Chancellor Rishi Sunak ’ s review of
Capital Gains Tax ( CGT ) expected to hit business owners where it hurts on the proceeds of any sale , it is looking increasingly like the time to sell is now .
Getting out now
The most important consideration for a business owner is their own personal plans and timescale . After years of stress and worry many owners wish to step-off the wheel , enjoy more family time or do other things .
But , with the unprecedented challenge placed on businesses over the last four months , the time to exit will be in the forefront of many minds .
Some firms have had a surprise upturn in work , but the reality is it is harder than ever to run a business and maintain margins , with rising costs and more demanding customers , while red tape and onerous regulations are adding fuel to the fire .
And while currently you would pay 10 % tax on the
first £ 1m of sale proceeds , with the balance being taxed at 20 %, that CGT rate is expected to increase to the top rates of income tax of 40 % -45 %, which would be a disaster for most business owners .
Why should you work all those years and often
decades to give such a massive share of your life ’ s work to the taxman ? If there was a reason for you to bring forward the sale of business then this is it .
Story continues on page 2