26 | OCTOBER 2018
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Bayfield Bespoke
loves working with
world-class West
Port timber
A respected Manchester installer
is thriving thanks to West Port’s
world-class window and doors.
Certass Trade Associa-
tion, the new voice for the
glazing industry is going to
The Build Show, as part of
the PiGS Pavilion at the new
Windows, Doors and Glass
Launched in July, Certass
Trade Association is already
the biggest membership
body in the industry with
more than 3,000 members.
It has been set-up to give
installers the chance to
make their views heard and
get real, practical business
Jon Vanstone, Chair of
Certass Trade Association
explains: “Going to The
Build Show gives us the
chance to talk to more
installers about what Certass
TA is. Being a part of the
PiGS Pavilion puts us at
the centre of the Windows,
Doors and Glass Show
too.”2018 is the first year
of the Doors, Windows
and Glass Show, which has
been launched after 2017
Build Show visitor feedback
Offering a huge range
requested more glass and
glazing stands and exhib-
itors. Organised by Balls2
Marketing, the PiGS Pavilion
is the ideal meeting place
for the industry to catch-up
with friends and see some
of the best innovation in the
glazing industry.
UKGBC reacts to Labour’s green policy announcement
The UK Green Building
Council (UKGBC) has
today responded to Jeremy
Corbyn’s Party Conference
speech and widespread
media coverage in which
Labour has announced sev-
eral green policies.
These include a commit-
ment to set aside £12.8bn
for subsidies to insulate
homes in Labour’s first
‘ for
skilled job
creation ’
term as well as a pledge to
tighten the UK’s decarboni-
sation trajectory - reducing
net carbon emissions by
60 per cent by 2030 and to
zero by 2050. In his speech
to conference, the Labour
leader highlighted that
green polices would create
400,000 skilled jobs.
Julie Hirigoyen, Chief Ex-
ecutive at UKGBC said:
“Today’s speech from
the Labour leader high-
lights the opportunities
for skilled job creation
that the green economy
presents. As we approach
the ten-year anniversary
of the UK Climate Change
of quality home improve-
ment products, and operat-
ing across the Manchest