Pro Installer May 2020 - Issue 86 | Page 42

42 | MAY 2020 Business Read online at MORE SUPPORT FOR GGF MEMBERS DURING CRISIS As the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues across the world, the glass and glazing industry is witnessing and experiencing one of the most extraordinary periods in living memory. Top 10 Cyber Security Tips for Working at Home 1 2 3 4 Strong password policy Use a strong password for all devices and social media accounts. Change default passwords on all your 5 Back up To safeguard your most important personal data and information, back them up to an external hard drive or cloud-based 6 Phishing emails Cyber criminals are targeting people and businesses with fake emails about the coronavirus. Phishing emails may devices when initially installed (especially your Wi-Fi router at home or any Internet of Things devices you may have) and consider using password managers to store and protect your passwords. 2FA Turn on the two-factor authentication setting on all your accounts and devices. VPN Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to protect and encrypt the data you send or receive. It will also scan devices for malicious software. Software update Set all your devices and apps to download and install updates automatically to ensure that any crucial fi xes are not missed and the risk of your devices being infected with malware is reduced. storage system. appear genuine but are embedded with a virus that could compromise your device, as well as manipulate you into sharing personal or fi nancial information. Top 10 Security Tips 7 for Closed Business Premises Install anti-virus Install and activate anti-virus software on all your devices, preferably set it to update automatically. This will help you to run a complete scan of your system and check for any malware infections. 8 Across the UK and Ireland, compa- nies continue to make tough decisions and take unprecedented measures to ensure their businesses stay solvent against a bleak backdrop. The trading environment is sharply brought into perspective by the health statistics and the omnipresent risk to everyone’s health and safety. The Gov- ernment has closed down several indus- tries but the construction is one they are keen to see continue, if workers can oper- ate within the Public Health Guidelines. To help GGF Members cope during this crisis, the GGF has set up several plat- forms and communications channels under a new service titled “Business Continuity Support”. The GGF Business Continuity Support has three strands: • To collate the most relevant informa- tion from all key sources and commu- nicate it to Members during the crisis • To communicate Members and the industry’s issues to the respective Gov- ernment departments and by doing so lobby for greater support for the glass and glazing industry • To adjust the GGF’s resources and services so they provide more focused support for Members during the COV- ID-19 crisis Every day the GGF External Affairs and Marketing Department is monitoring the information and updates received from Government departments, related con- struction trade bodies and the political media. The most relevant information for the industry is then selected and cascaded to GGF Members often on a daily basis. Safe online browsing Only visit trusted websites especially when online shopping. Keep an eye out for websites that have a padlock sign in the address bar, as this shows that the connection and your personal information (e.g. credit card information) is encrypted and secure. 9 10 Communication Maintain contact with your team, as it is easy to feel isolated or lose focus when working at home. Secured by Design, the Police Digital Security Centre and the National Counter Terrorism Security Office If you have been instructed Social by the media government to close your the business in line with the Covid-19 It is important to review privacy, password and security settings guidance for all your social media accounts to ensure they are it as as time possible. or you have chosen to close, is secure a good for you to review your security to reduce the chances of your premises being targeted by opportunist thieves, or your business being subjected to cyber attacks. have put together the Top 10 Security Tips for Closed Business Premises, the Top 10 Cyber Security More working advice from following home is the available the National Cyber Security Centre: Tips for Working at Home and the information latest Counter on Terrorism launch from of a new app. This leaflet will help you carry out a simple security risk assessment of your business premises and cyber security and identify any obvious For vulnerabilities. more information from the Police Digital Security Centre, visit: Property maintenance You should check your premises regularly, at least once a week, to see if there are any obvious signs of 1 2 3 4 5 The GGF conveys this key information via the following channels and platforms: • Regular Business Continuity Support emails to Members • Uploading direct links to Government support measures and guidance on the GGF website • Uploading articles with the latest news and information in the GGF website news section • Creation of a new GGF Business Con- tinuity Support section on the Mem- bers’ only section of the GGF website to house all updates • Upload of key Government documents such the Site Operating Procedures on the GGF website publications section • Providing information and digital tool- kits from the GGF’s business support partners such as Citation - the HR, Em- ployment Law and Business Support consultants. • Sharing information on social media via twitter @GGF_News and LinkedIn glass-and-glazing-federation On the new Business Continuity Sup- port, James Lee GGF Director of External Affairs commented, “At this time when companies need as much support as pos- sible, the GGF felt it was essential to set up this bespoke service to help Members cope during this crisis. We will continue to update as and when we receive new in- formation to ensure Members get the very latest news affecting our industry.” 6 an attempted break-in or damage. It is important that premises continue to be well-maintained during this extended period of closure to prevent the spiral of decline. This includes removing litter and graffiti as soon as possible and making sure that landscaping is cut back to assist with surveillance from passers-by and your CCTV system. Flammable and combustible materials and substances should be stored in a secure, lockable container, cage or room. Bins should be securely stored away from the building to prevent arson. Urim, the ACT app is free for businesses and current intruder threat alarm from system Covid-19, it is still to burglary as it Powered Monitored intruder alarm Despite system the A monitored is a deterrent increases by the likelihood of being been developed in Police partnership with industry specialists important to in remain alert and to terrorist activity. caught. Make sure it is regularly maintained, good working order vigilant and is remotely monitored for a police has response by a National from Marks and Spencer and Highfi eld eLearning. Chiefs’ Council compliant Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC). Ensure that staff are familiar with opening and closing procedures to prevent Live-time information from Counter Terrorism Policing, Available Google Play or App Store, the app will false alarm activations. Update your key holder list and share it with third parties, where necessary, e.g. your intruder from alarm company. provide access to: plus all the very latest protective security advice, is now Security fogging system available A security fogging is triggered an alarm sensor the area you are trying to at your system fi ngertips 24/7 by – wherever you and are. will instantly fill Practical advice and guidance to help you protect your protect with a dense, harmless fog that reduces visibility, making it virtually impossible for an intruder to access the items they want to business, plus information on how to respond in the have check a phone then you steal. If you already have such If a you system, with your supplier that it is still in good working order. event of an attack. can keep updated where and CCTV If you have CCTV, make sure it is regularly in good working order with sufficient storage capacity and as a minimum, when it matters most maintained, – all Information on Counter Terrorism Policing’s suite of ACT is providing coverage of the most vulnerable areas, including doors and windows where access is likely to be gained. The recording through the new easy-to- training products, plus access to the online e-Learning equipment should be kept in a navigate secure cabinet inside a lockable room within the building. All CCTV should comply with the Information Action Counters package. Commissioner’s Office guidance, see IN THE RARE EVENT OF Terrorism (ACT) app. Suite of National Counter Terrorism Security Offi ce a firearms or weapons attack Doors and windows Doors and than easily accessible windows should be in good working order, free from rot or damage and have good More a thousand guidance videos. quality locks that have a Kitemark showing that across they meet the relevant British Standard. There are various types of doors and windows, specialists from e.g. U-PVC, aluminium, timber, the etc. these may have multi-point or single-point locking mechanisms. All external doors should have a and publications. Latest reference documents UK and have been helping minimum of two locking points offi with locks cers trial that this meet new the British Standard. All doors and windows that are not part of a designated fire ACT online reporting form and confi dential hotline. escape route, should be closed and locked. product, including leading organisations from the Emergency response and post-incident guidance. Glazing All easily accessible security, glazing should be laminated to resist forced entry. Double glazed units only require either the inner or outer sporting and retail pane to be laminated. Alternatively, security film can be applied to the internal glazed panel, ensuring it is fixed under the beading, where Live-time news updates from UK Protect. sectors. possible. New Counter Terrorism ACT App Launched RUN HIDE TELL 7 Roller shutters and grilles Roller shutters and grilles can provide additional protection to external doors and windows in vulnerable 8 Lighting The need for external lighting will be determined by local circumstances and the quality of street lighting in the area, e.g. inner 9 areas around your business premises. They are particularly useful for protecting recessed doors that create hiding places because they are set back from the building line. If you have roller shutters or grilles fitted, use them. city, rural, adopted, non-adopted areas, etc. Internal lighting should be operated by detection devices which will automatically switch lights on where movement is detected. Check that all lights are in good working order. Safe storage of valuables, assets and stock Valuables, assets and stock should be either removed from the premises or stored in a secure, lockable container, cage or room and the keys stored in a secure key cabinet or removed entirely. It is advisable to check the continued performance of essential equipment and services, such as fridge freezers, electrical and water supplies, including central heating pipework. and vending machines Gaming and vending machines should be emptied of all stock and cash with visible external facing 10 Gaming signage displayed to advertise this fact and deter a potential intruder. Secured by Design is a national police initiative which for many years has worked alongside the UK Police Service to develop minimum police preferred standards for security. For further advice about any of the 10 security tips listed above or for product procurement of police preferred products, visit: Security Advice leaflet for closed businesses launched To support businesses in managing their securi- ty during the coronavirus pandemic, Secured by Design, the Police Digital Security Centre and the National Counter Terrorism Security Office have put to- gether a leaflet containing the Top 10 Security Tips for Closed Business Premises, the Top 10 Cyber Security Tips for Working at Home and the latest Counter Ter- rorism advice. The leaflet is aimed at businesses who have either been instructed by the government to close in line with the Covid-19 guidance or have chosen to close, and provides advice and guidance to assist them review both their physical and cyber security to re- duce the chances of falling victim to criminals. To download the leaflet visit: https://www. guidance/security- advice-for-businesses For product procurement of police preferred products, visit: www. Secured by Design and the Police Digital Security Centre are part of Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (PCPI), a police-owned non-profit organisation that works on behalf of the Police Service throughout the UK to deliver a wide range of crime prevention and police demand reduction initiatives.